Grounded and Earthing products connect your body to the subtle energy of the Earth.
“Grounding,” also called “Earthing” is the landmark discovery that Earth’s subtle surface energy field upholds the electrical stability of our bodies; thus serving as a foundation for vitality and health. In an age of rampant chronic disease due to the stresses of modern day life, reconnecting with the Earth’s energy beneath our feet provides a way back to better health. The profound effect of Grounding provides amazing healing, calming and balancing effects on our physical, mental and emotional bodies.
Throughout history, humans have walked barefoot on the ground, which naturally discharges and prevents the buildup of electrical stress. When in contact with the Earth, this tranquil energy naturally transfers to any conductive object—whether it is a metal rod, a wire, a tree or a plant, an animal, or a barefoot human—and they become “grounded.”
The Earthing® products presented on allow you to conveniently ground yourself when indoors. They are "barefoot substitutes." It is not always convenient to ground outside during certain times of the year or for long periods of time. Grounding has helped tremendously with various diseases, injuries and stresses.
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