’s Top Recommendations for Testing Hazardous EMFs in Your Environment
When using the right EMF meter, you can easily make positive changes to your environment once you know the precise location and intensity of any harmful electromagnetic frequencies.
Sometimes it's as simple as disconnecting a cordless phone, blocking WIFI coming through a wall, making a healthier decision when looking at a new home, or even changing a hotel room!
*Disclosure: This page contains Amazon and other affiliate links. As an affiliate and Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Your support facilitates our research in the Earthing/Grounding and wellness space, which we'll continue to share with you. We only recommend products we use ourselves and have found to be effective!’s #1 recommended electromagnetic FIELD (EMF) detection METER: the Cornet ED88T Plus 5G
In our experience, this Cornet EMF meter is easiest and most practical meter for testing EMFs, and can assist you in locating and measuring WIFI, cell tower, cordless phone and cellular EMFs. Step brings this EMF meter everywhere he travels!
Budget Minded, Information Packed Simplicity
Able to detect a frequency range from 100MHz to 8GHz, the Cornet ED88T Plus can give you a basic understanding of the RF (radio frequency) and EMF (electromagnetic field) exposure in your home or office environment and help you identify the primary sources of such. The latest version (as of May 2022), offers 5G detection.
Additionally, you can use the Cornet ED88T Plus to measure low frequency magnetic fields between 50Hz and 10kHz and low frequency electric fields between 50 Hz and 50 kHz.
Cell towers | Smart meters | WiFi signal strength meter | Microwave ovens | Power lines | Transformers | Home appliances | Outlet Boxes | Paranormal
The Acoustimeter is a user-friendly accurate RF measurement instrument which provides LED light and LCD text displaying peak, peak hold, and average levels of radio frequency electromagnetic fields, covering the spectrum from TETRA all the way up to and beyond the 5.6 GHz WiFi and WiMax frequencies.
EM2 Multi-Purpose Broadband EMF RF Electrosmog Meter, ELF out to Analog 18GHz
This delightful meter measures electric field from 50 Hz to 18 GHz!
Trifield EMF Meter Model TF2
The TriField Meter is the most economical combination of magnetic, electric, and analog radio/microwave detection in one package.
Tri-Mode Meter (High + Low Frequency)
Three Devices in One
For low cost and versatility, you can’t beat this device. It measures both types of low frequency EMF (electric and magnetic fields) plus high frequency radiowaves (microwaves). Covers a very wide frequency range with good sensitivity.
Body Voltage Meter
Measure the Voltage Effects of EMF on Your Body!
Stetzerizer Filter
The STETZERiZER filter is designed to filter harmonics and other high frequency current (trash) from the electrical environment, thereby reducing the potential for leakage into the human environment from televisions, computers, variable frequency drives, energy-efficient lighting, etc.. Designed by Graham Stetzer.
Phone Guard by Smart Meter Guard
Protect your body and mind from cell phone frequencies with a Smart Meter Guard’s PHONE GUARD. Designed to fit almost all smart phones, the Phone Guard’s lining acts as a faraday cage to block radiation emitted when your cell phone searches for signals. Great for carrying your phone on your body for emergency calls or photo opps, it’s basically like having your phone on airplane mode. However, instead of the inconvenience of turning airplane mode on and off, you simply slide your phone in and out of the Phone Guard.
EMF Protective Clothing from TRU47
Utilizing 99.99% pure plated silver, TRU47’s collection of EMF-protective clothing includes ponchos, hats, headbands and even doggie jackets to help protect you and your furry friends from compromising EMF radiation.
Learn More About EMF Protection products by watching these How-To-Videos!
This video can help users of Gigahertz Solutions High-Frequency Analyzers tell one type of RF radiation source from another. Here is a webpage with some RF sounds: Acoustimeters also have similar sounds. Surveyed here are: Cell phone antenna at a distance, WiFi unit, cordless phone, "smart" meter, and cell phone.
Doctors groups around the world have spoken up to call for Precaution against wireless radiation and for reduction of exposure, especially on Children, Youth, Pregnant Women and Babies. Medical Advisory: Statements from 14 Agencies on Wi-Fi Radiation and Children's Health Harvard Neurologist Warns: WiFi Radiation can Damage Children's Brain Function This Video: Measuring the pulsed microwave radiation from an iPad with an Acoustimeter.
The Heliognosis EM2 Electromagnetic Meter is used to test phones, a smart meter, a microwave oven and many other devices commonly found around the house.
Helpful instructions for using the TES 593 Radio Frequency Test Meter, by Michael R. Neuert, an EMF Test Engineer with over 23 years experience. Click the video time links to go directly to any chapter...
The ME3030B EMF meter can measure both AC electric and AC magnetic fields. AC or alternating current, is what runs through your homes electrical system. This is why its the ideal meter for checking electromagnetic fields (EMFs) around the home. EMFs are an invisible form of pollution, or electropollution.
Smart Meter Guard demonstrates their EMF Shield for cell phones. Using a high-frequency meter, they show that the EMF shielding phone sleeve blocks most, if not all, of the radiation emitted when the cell phone makes a call, so your body is protected.
Page last updated March 8, 2024.
Jessica of Stetzer Electric, Inc. demonstrates the Stetzerizer Filter removing high frequency pollutants from electrical wiring.