Real life stories from
happy Grounded product users.
“In the late 1990s, I was trading stocks on Wall Street, on a floor with a hundred guys surrounded by a battery of computers, phones, and electronics. I got my first cell phone in 1997 and another one a year later. I used them all the time. I worked in this intense environment from 9:00 a.m. to market closing time...”
“Aaron Rodgers added Earthing to his optimized wellness and fitness routine aimed at extending his active playing days and overall health.”
Aaron Rodgers counting on health routine to keep him on top for years
By Lori Nickel of the Journal Sentinel
Nov. 18, 2014
For more information on Earthing's sports and fitness benefits, refer to the sports chapter in the Earthing book as well as this article by a former International Sports Chiropractor of the Year:
Earthing Speeds Athletic Recovery and Healing
Posted on July 26, 2010 on the Earthing Institute web site.
Earthing for Lyme Patients: Go Slow!
Posted on December 20, 2012 by Earthing Institute
by Alix Mayer
(Alix Mayer is the co-founder of, a collaborative Lyme lifestyle blog, with hundreds of subscribers and followers)
“Earthing is profoundly healing for people with Lyme, as I and many in the SpiroChicks group have discovered. Aside from going gluten-free in 1999, nothing else has boosted my health so dramatically and rapidly as Earthing. Like me, anyone can enjoy the many benefits of Earthing, such as:
- The ability to fall asleep faster and sleep more deeply
- Reduced pain and inflammation
- Feeling of calm”
“I am so impressed with grounding that I have my bed at home and at our ranch grounded. I refused to sleep without my bed being grounded. I feel so amazing no aches no pains no cramps at night always ready to start my wonderful day. so glad I found out about it that I have shared with family and friends.
“I ran into this grounding thing recently. I realized that I almost never actually connect with the ground —— always insulated shoes, wooden floors, rubber wheels etc.
I have neuropathy in my feet (from Diabetes) which causes pain and tingling which is getting progressively worse. I saw that grounding helps many problems especially inflammation which includes just about everything.
I thought what the heck, I’ll try it (after all it’s FREE and doesn’t take much effort or time).
Well I’ll be darned if I didn’t get almost immediate relief from my painful feet.
I just sat in a chair in the carport with my feet flat on a wet jute backed carpet for @ 45 min. I lost @ 80% or more of the pain in my feet and it lasted for a couple of days. I’M SOLD and even more so after I started doing it every day for 30 to 60 min. I know it sound weird but it truly works.”
“I was in constant overdrive, filled with a zest for life and a desire to experience it all. I was young, strong, and healthy. I worked hard, took enormous risks, and felt I could handle it all. I was living the Manhattan lifestyle. I had an apartment on the forty-third floor that faced the World Trade Towers five blocks away.
I didn’t know it at the time, but I was being bombarded 24/7 by EMFs and cell phone tower emissions. For the four years I worked on Wall Street I didn’t sleep much. I was wired. In time, I began to feel something affecting my health. I thought it was the high stress level of my work. Then things started to go wrong. I developed ear, eye, and nose problems, a chronic cough, and major congestion. My symptoms got worse, but I didn’t stop and listen. I felt I would get healthy later. I was making serious money and living an ego-driven, high stress lifestyle.
However, at one point I had chest pains that my father thought might be coronary artery spasms or an early warning of a heart attack. I was twenty-five years old!
The experience stopped me in my tracks. I realized I was really beaten down and was smart enough to know when to throw in the towel. In 2001, after the attack on the World Trade Towers, I moved to Colorado and worked on getting my health back. But I just kept deteriorating. I was starting to get scared.
I set up a small office in Boulder – a trading operation – and filled it with wireless networks and cordless phones, not knowing the harm they were causing me. I worked and slept there, so I was getting hit with EMFs day and night. I still didn’t understand what I had. All I knew was I was getting worse, with weight loss, weakness, severe bloating and gas, inability to digest certain foods, muscle pains, injuries, sleep issues, and food allergies.
I became as tenacious about my health as I had been before trading stocks. I consulted with nutritionists, acupuncturists, far-out alternative therapists, and conventional doctor after doctor. My father was also trying to help me. I did blood test after inconclusive blood test. Nobody knew what was wrong, I kept fading away, losing two or three pounds a month no matter what I did.
I had to get out of trading, but I still needed my laptop and cell phone because I worked for myself. I began to strongly suspect that EMFs were harmful because exposure made me feel worse. I don’t know if I was always sensitive to EMFs or developed an extreme sensitivity on Wall Street.
My father had me see some of the best doctors in the country he knew. Nobody could figure it out. I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars and read almost every book I could get my hands on, and still I got worse. I spent $20,000 of my own money at one famous clinic and they couldn’t figure anything out. They just said I had endocrine problems. It was scary knowing that something was seriously wrong and yet no doctor knew why I got sick or why I was doing so poorly. Only one thing was clear in all the confusion: I became a defenseless host, vulnerable to heavy metals and any parasites that came along.
I reached a culmination point in 2007 when I went to a clinic for a parasite infection. I spent three weeks on parasitic medicines and a raw food diet to help cleanse my body. However, I lost another thirty-five pounds in several weeks. My body completely shut down, and I had to be hospitalized. I was six feet tall and weighed eighty-three pounds. My liver, kidney, and blood tests were off the charts! And there I was in a hospital surrounded by a lot of electromagnetic monitoring devices and equipment. I couldn’t eat or digest any food. I had to be fed via intravenous nutrition. That’s what saved me, along with the prayers and love from family and friends.”
“I was in the hospital for forty days. In the beginning, it looked like I wouldn’t make it. The doctors gave me a 1 percent chance. If I did live, they had no idea what my life would be like because my body had eaten most itself. I was in excruciating pain. I couldn’t go to the bathroom because I was pretty much paralyzed. I was utterly vulnerable. There were times I was so weak that if a visitor walked into the room talking on a cell phone I would feel nauseous. If somebody brought a laptop to show me pictures, I couldn’t look at it for more than a minute. I was that sensitive and had become increasingly aware of my sensitivity.
One night I almost choked while taking a sip of water, and I thought I was gone. So did my dad, who was with me. But in that moment something Divine manifested, a sort of spiritual awakening or angelic intervention. I suddenly knew that we create our fears, dreams, and almost everything else. It was the worst and best moment of my life at the same time. I realized that with the intention of spirit I could create anything. I asked God for a miracle, and my prayer was answered. I felt reconnected and knew I would recover. I felt all I wanted to do was help people. This was my purpose and I had a message.
I started to reverse course and improve. In the spring of 2008, I was strong enough to leave the hospital. I was still super fragile, though. My father talked to me around this time about Earthing, even just sitting with my bare feet on the grass. As the weather warmed up, I started sitting, standing, and walking barefoot a bit. I noticed my strength coming back slowly. I made sure that there were very few electromagnetic gadgets in my vicinity.
Once, I had a big relapse when cordless phones and wireless Internet were set up in the room I was recovering in. I developed a Salmonella infection in my bladder and had to be hospitalized again. After that I obtained an electromagnetic detector that alerted me to the unseen EMFs harming me. I became extremely wary about my environment and cleared out any electrical and electronic stuff. I immediately felt and slept better. I didn’t use a computer for the first nine months out of the hospital. I wouldn’t even look at one. I stopped speaking on a cell phone unless absolutely necessary and that might be only once or twice a month. I only used a corded phone and a computer connected to a landline. No wireless.
Shortly after I got out of the hospital, I started sleeping grounded. It was amazing. The first few nights, I got perhaps six or seven hours of sleep, but I woke up feeling better each day – compared to sleeping nine or ten hours previously and waking up feeling poorly. I felt such a dramatic boost in energy and health that I have not slept ungrounded since. When I travel, I take my grounding sheet with me. On one trip, I arrived at my hotel rather late and set up my sheet. I slept very poorly that night and realized the next morning I had forgotten to connect it. That was a big confirmation for me that Earthing was very effective and instrumental in my healing. I’ve actually been able to handle more EMFs as I got stronger. When I use a computer, I have my feet on a grounded floor mat, so I’m able to stay on the computer, much longer than before. If I’m not grounded, after about ten minutes I get hot, sweaty, and uncomfortable.
Today, at 150 pounds, I am stronger than I have been in years. I’m blessed to be alive. I pray that others become more aware of EMFs without having to endure the path that I did, and can live this wonderful gift of life to the fullest.
Source: "Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?"
*Step Sinatra, whose story you read above is the eldest son of co-author Dr. Stephen Sinatra
““My son Step sent me a grounding mat for Mothers day and I was amazed at how much better I was sleeping at night. I just didn’t wake up tired in the morning like I sometimes do. Now I take it with me when I travel.””
“Since I have been sleeping grounded for a month now I no longer have night sweats and my heel pain is gone. I have so much more energy and never feel fatigue, it is an amazing feeling. I sleep through the night where as before I would wake up 3 times and couldn’t fall back to sleep.”
“Last night… OH, MY GOODNESS! I spent the night SLEEPING on top of your Earthing queen fitted sheet. And I do mean SLEEP! Hooray! I slept for nearly TWELVE full hours, waking only twice and each time I immediately fell right back to sleep!!!!! Normally, I would toss and turn throughout the night, repositioning myself (too many times to keep count), in an attempt to get ‘comfortable’. Following just one night of Earthing product use, and a true night of restorative sleep, I woke ‘feeling’ holistically whole and more healed from the inside out, and ‘energized’!!!”
“I have every grounding product; we even have a sheet in our Airstream trailer. I have electrosensitivity and am much better now. The grounding book and products helped me through this. Keep up the good work!”
“Ordered the starter kit and have used the products for only three days and notice that I’m sleeping better and my golf game has been better.”
“I am really thrilled with grounding and am so grateful for all you have done to promote this amazing key to health and vitality!”
“I bought an Earthing Recovery Bag a year ago. It has been a godsend for my electrosensitivity.”
“Thank you so much. The bed sheets are working great and I have a computer pad right under me as I am writing to you. I am happy about the service you provided and already spread the word to many of my colleagues. I want you to succeed because you are doing a great service to humanity.”
“I have recently ordered your Earthing products and have certainly seen a difference and I have been talking to my patients about it.”
“My husband and I sleep on the Earthing Half Sheet. Since being back to his construction work, my husband complains much less than he used too of aches and pains. Grounding has made a wonderful difference for him. For myself, I found that my sleep is far ‘deeper’.”