Step Sinatra: Money cannot buy your health. That's one message I want to say and -now knowing what I know, it's not worth it. Really, it's just not worth it. If money could buy health -hey, we’d live a different life, and I feel like what we're dealing with these days is all the electromagnetic radiation…all these other toxicities in the world that everybody's nervous systems are getting just bombarded with, and it’s also the dopamine from the cell phones and stuff.

It's hard for people to get back to equilibrium Z point and really heal, because the body knows how to heal…you just have to give it what it needs. First we have to keep in mind that - okay, the Earth is a battery. You are a battery. And if the human body had a user manual it would say, you know, you must recharge to Earth, and at frequent intervals…cause we need that charge. So when we ground, we're getting negative electrons, which I believe are the fuel of the body.


Regan Archibald: Hey everybody, it's Reagan Archibald with Unreasonable Health, and today I've got my friend, Step Sinatra, here with us and you're going to love him!

How many times have you gone outside and gone for a walk or just got in touch with nature and felt better? I think we've all had that experience where we just need to get some fresh air. And that’s what we're going to talk about today - why that experience in nature has such a profound impact on your health.

You'll enjoy learning from Stephen because he's got a company called Not only that, but he is an exceptional biohacker entrepreneur - somebody who has really done the work through his own healing journey to discover things that can radically transform your health and things you can do today. So Stephen, good to have you on the show!

Step Sinatra: Hey - great to be here, even though I'm across the world this time instead of your office. Great to be here!

Regan Archibald: Yeah, Stephen was sending me pictures of his afternoon ritual there in Greece, and so maybe you could talk about what you're doing there in Greece and why you chose that little nuanced place right on the sea.

Step Sinatra: I dialed it in…basically because I wanted to be in nature. I wanted fresh air, sunlight, the water. The sea is magical. I mean, it's basically the amniotic fluid of the earth.

So when you get in that sea, it's the best way to get grounded, and I just wanted that in my daily life. It was pretty much that simple, and then I chose this island because it has no cars. It's off the grid. I want to remove myself from that kind of lifestyle and put myself back in this other lifestyle that we used to live by, and it's incredible! It's magical and what it does for my health is profound.

Regan Archibald: If you go back a decade or two ago, you were living a completely different lifestyle. And now you're like this - you're all zenned out. You've got one of the most untouched places on the planet that you’re living in. Maybe you could take us back to your journey and what you've been through.

Step Sinatra: Sure, I do live here. I still have some New York City in me, because that was part of my upbringing too; so when I need to pull that card, it's there. But we evolve… we grow…it's a spiritual journey. And for me, health-wise, I was kind of -right out of the gate, even as a child - suffering from something.

It's interesting, because Dr Lawrence - our mutual friend and buddy - I love what he says. Basically, he was in the camp of the original biohackers and I feel the same way, because through my entire life I’ve thrown resources and energy into learning how to get myself better. Because - like him - we came out of the gate behind the eight-ball.

So I started that out and then I went through a period where we had mold in the house early on in our teenage years and we didn't even know it. It's before people really knew about it, and my father was a physician, so he knew his stuff. But he didn't connect the dots, unfortunately. We had a lot of like prednisone and antibiotics - my brother and I. We developed incredible asthma and we suffered. And I have this indentation in my sternum from a little growth effect, and what that led to was being very sensitive and dealing with connective tissue stuff.

I didn't really figure it all out until after I started getting older. But I always had like some kind of health issue and it was probably because of what the pharmaceuticals had done. And my father immediately woke up from that and switched his whole mantra and ideology into an alternative medicine-type belief system. Thank God!

In a way, it's like a blessing and a curse…because what happened after that is, my father became an enormous biohacker. Both he and I. I learned so much from him. He went all over the world. He was buying electro-machines. He was buying anything you could buy, and this is in the 80s, 90s and early 2000s. It didn't matter what it was. He had a Rife machine. He had all sorts of stuff, and he had the friends - because he was in the circle to get whatever he wanted. My brother and sister weren't really into that, but basically I was. So I got all the toys… all the supplements and everything. So I just became a biohacker.

I did Wall Street. I had two goals coming out of school. One - I wanted freedom, and two - I wanted some money. It was pretty simple. I was a product of an American programming dream, right? And I’ve got to make a million dollars my second year out or I don't feel like I'm going to live the lifestyle I want to live.

I learned a lot about manifestation, then I learned a lot about stress. I learned a lot about how we create our reality. I learned a lot about intuition. I got an enormous education, and I made the money, but my health got destroyed because I was so uber-focused. It was incredible. It was one of the best times. But also I knew my health was suffering drastically, and I allowed it to happen. But I was also sensitive coming in.

So then - long story short - that was in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003. I spent all the money I made over the next decade just doing what my father did - buying machines, going to workshops, learning and trying to get myself back to good health. Of course, I had other things along the way…eighteen fillings removed for mercury and surgeries and traumas. It was a lot of these traumas I had to deal with.

And my father was doing stem cells twenty years ago, so I had an incredible role model. And I'm so thankful and grateful… my father was unbelievable. And I kind of walk his talk. And then I got into grounding and that's a whole another story.

Regan Archibald: How fascinating is that? Because a lot of our clients are entrepreneurs who have sacrificed their health in the pursuit of wealth or in the pursuit of building their business - achieving their goals and their dreams. And you know the reason why I have this podcast is so that people can recognize that you don't have to sacrifice your health along the way.

Sometimes when you do achieve that goal of actually making the million dollars or whatever it was for you, you're like, oh, that that's what it was… It's not you.

Step Sinatra: You forget…

Regan Archibald: Oh yeah, I'm just me at the end of the day. It's like the money doesn't change who you are and if you don't have your health, it can be pretty disturbing mentally for a lot of us. And your dad - just to circle back around - he was a legend as far as someone being an outspoken critic of the cholesterol myth that're out there. I think I read one of his first books… how many books did he write?

Step Sinatra: Oh it was 28, 30, something like this. He was a machine. He was amazing.

Regan Archibald: Obviously it was very impactful. He made a huge impact on your life and, unfortunately, he passed…was it two years ago now?

Step Sinatra: Two years ago now.

Regan Archibald: So sorry, but he left an impression on the world…and you're kind of coming up, following in his footsteps in your own particular way. And that's where grounding is so important. But tell me why grounding is critical, and what even is it? And how did you get into this with all the different things you're doing?

You tried to buy your health back, and you were like, okay, I'm going to all these conferences and machines, and where did that lead you?

Step Sinatra: Well first let me acknowledge what you said about my father. I really appreciate that. That was nice. And number two - yeah, money cannot buy your health. That's one message I want to say. And it's now knowing what I know…It's not worth it, really. It's just not worth it. If money could buy health - hey! We’d live a different life.

So grounding came into the mix because I was ill over that decade that I discussed before, and it kind of culminated in this near-death experience where I was really sick and I had seen every doctor in the world. My father had the greatest connections and I still got sicker and sicker and sicker until I was literally 110 pounds. And I'm six feet tall. So I went into a therapy for this and I ended up dropping another 22 pounds in three weeks. I got taken to the hospital and I went through this forty-day stay. During that time, I had this kind of near-death experience, and it changed my life. It was so profound.

All that old life that I was living, of ego and money…well, that had already been broken down by the humility of losing my body in my twenties. Then I had this incredible spiritual existence and got the download that this really was an illusion… this entire reality was a complete illusion and that we create our fears and that's why I was in the hospital.

We create our dreams. The most powerful mechanism we have is the software right here in our head. I mean, our mind is it. This is software. And with our thoughts, we can create any reality that we want. Because now what I know is - these are electrical impulses. These impulses are information and that information is actually programming the field software within and around us. It's fascinating.

After I got out of the hospital - which was a miracle, by the way - this is right around the time, in 2007, that my father was getting involved with grounding. He was already involved for years, and it occurred to him that - hey, he was in the hospital… it's a massive EMF environment - hospitals are not designed to get you really well, in my opinion.

He gives me this mat when I was recovering at my mother's house. It was the same one that the guys in the Tour de France were using. It was a prototype. And the first time I slept on this mat, it changed everything. Because before that, I could only sleep an hour or two a night. I was in so much pain. I had edema, I had all these other problems, and it completely gave me the best night sleep I’d had in years. I was sold. And, from then on, I just knew deep inside on an intuitive level that grounding worked. It's why I live where I live…because I want to be as grounded as much as possible. And I can tell you more why if that helps, but it goes a lot deeper.

Regan Archibald: This is fascinating…just the grounding aspect. So was it one of the mats where you plug it into the grounded socket in your electrical circuit? Is that is that the grounding type of mat you used or what was it?

Step Sinatra: No, this was the first one…with the rod that you actually put into the yard.

Regan Archibald: That is way old school!

Step Sinatra: Yeah, it was old school. And this was before you could get grounding mats that plugged into the ground port of an electrical outlet. In my opinion, the ground rod is the real way to do it - go direct.

Regan Archibald: It makes sense.

Step Sinatra: It makes sense. You want to be in this grass behind me [points to screen] like there. So, it was profound.

Regan Archibald: Tell us a little bit about the mechanism of action. You've got all these mycotoxins essentially attacking your nervous system and mycotoxins are very neurotoxic. And they can create a lot of issues with your central nervous system…disrupted sleep, pain, anxiety… a lot of turmoil. How does grounding impact the mycotoxin exposures that you had, and…what sounds like autoimmunity?

Step Sinatra: Great question - because I think what you're getting at is - which is so critical - is the nervous system. Because the nervous system is really like our antenna that's kind of communicating with ourselves and the field.

I watched my nervous system get destroyed from Wall Street, from the mold, from all the pharmaceuticals. And trying to regulate that… when the nervous system is dis-regulated, you're in a sympathetic drive all the time. You're not in a healing phase. You're not in a phase of rejuvenation and longevity. You're in survival all the time.

I know what that's like…It ages you, it stresses you, and the body won't heal. So what I got from grounding - the number one thing is, it starts to rebalance your nervous system and puts you in that parasympathetic state, gets you out of sympathetic drive, increases your vagal tone, boosts your HRV, gets your cortisol down.

Because when you're suffering from chronic illness or toxicity illness - and this is absolutely key - the body can't heal. These days I feel like we're dealing with all this electromagnetic radiation and all these other toxicities in the world, and everybody's nervous systems are getting just bombarded. Even the dopamine from the cell phones and stuff. And it's hard for people to get back to equilibrium - zero point, and really heal…because the body knows how to heal; you just have to give it what it needs to do so.

Regan Archibald: Yeah or take away our phones.

Step Sinatra: Yeah (laughs)…right!

Regan Archibald: Give it what it needs but remove the interferences. That's profound.

Talk about your near-death experience… Was that in the hospital when you had the big download? Or maybe you could you could layer on some detail on that…I think it'd be fascinating.

Step Sinatra: It still boggles my mind that I went through that, right? Thanks for asking. I didn't recognize it at the time, but now I know it was my spiritual journey. And we can’t put a label on all the health issues that were going on - we still don't know.

It drove my father crazy that he couldn't figure out why I fell apart… literally my body just fell apart. And I know now it's because, at the time, my soul was like - hey, let's get out of here! Already had a great life, did some great stuff… Let's go. This isn't your world. And right before I got into the hospital, I was getting these incredible visions from my grandfather and my meditations were absolutely profound and something was shifting and I was like… huh.

But at the same time, I was on an extremely spiritual level because I was dropping weight. And at that point, I was getting all this fuel, bit not from food. I wasn't absorbing any of my food. I was getting fuel from beyond me and it culminated basically when I was in the hospital. And literally that thing where the voice comes in…this literally happened and it said, do you want to stay or do you want to leave? And I was like…whoa… and my whole family was sitting here in the room and I just signed away my assets. The lawyers were there, my family's crying, and all of a sudden when the voice came in, there was a pause.

And I felt this unbelievable love that just swirled around me up in my heart. I never experienced anything that was so profound in my heart chakra. It was like I was just melting and pouring love, and that was the feeling. I said, oh - okay. Yeah, I'll stay. It was like, I'm in. And the voice came in, and it said, well, it'll be difficult, but it'll be fantastic. It'll be really great afterwards.

And - trust me - those next forty days in the hospital were unbelievably brutal. I’d never wish that upon anybody. But I had miracle after miracle after miracle happen. Like the doctor said I would never be able to go to the bathroom on my own again or pee on my own again. I proved them all wrong. Everything - they were just blown away. Because I had something…power.

I knew in my mind that there was a divinity behind me. There was a power that had already told me how it would be, and I all I had to do was just go through the ride. And it made it easy knowing that, okay I can endure this pain because I know everything's going to be great, and it was.

Regan Archibald: Wow…

Step Sinatra: So that's kind of it. That's kind of the story in a nutshell.

Regan Archibald: And I'm sure your family was… incredibly grateful to see that miracle.

Step Sinatra: Yeah.

Regan Archibald: And it was grounding…but you've also had… you and I started peptides. I started about 10 years ago. You were right there, almost the same time. But you started venturing into peptides…stem cells.

Because it sounds like the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system response is the big thing that you landed on as far as keeping your body healthy. You’ve got to keep your nervous system healthy, which makes so much sense. But how have you used peptides, for example, to keep your nervous system calibrated? How do you perceive peptides?

Step Sinatra: Peptides are great if you're looking for a boost, or you were in my position…meaning, you were just getting off some chronic illness and degeneration where the body needs a little bit more.

I mean, I can sit in the sea all day long, and will I get better? I believe so…yes, I will. Everything will heal, but at the same time there's a million things I want to do in life. There's a lot I want to create. I love to travel, etc.

So you always want this boost, and peptides for me were a big game changer - no doubt. Because they made a difference. Because I was coming off of injuries that had never healed or my nervous system still was not functioning well. But when you give it that little boost of growth hormone, it's incredible!

And what I know and believe now is this…I have a firm belief that we are electrical beings…that we've been brainwashed and programmed otherwise to believe that we live in a biochemical world and a Newtonian physics world.

I think that's totally false. Even the peptides, or anything we put in our bodies, basically creates electrical signals or information. And that information goes to the software in our brain and certain things happen.

For example, with peptides - like CJC with DAC and ipamorelin, which I just started taking again - I love them. I believe they actually create a signal. The pituitary gives off that signal, which we already know, and then there's this hormonal cascade and a mixed a bunch of other things.

Regan Archibald: Yeah.

Step Sinatra: I recommend and put a lot of my friends on peptides. They love it. Anyone that has had, like I said, chronic illness or issues - I think they’re a must. But you have got to get grounded first. Really. You got to get that nervous system fixed first.

Regan Archibald: Yeah, the cells…and that's one of the reasons we use different binders, like cell core to flush out the blood. And it does make the expression just a little more profound with the peptides.

You've done a big amount of exploration in stem cells… Swimming in them recently.

Step Sinatra: Yeah.

Regan Archibald: Tell me your thoughts on stem cells and how they relate to the central nervous system and healing.

Step Sinatra: I probably did my first stems 15 years ago in Mexico, where you’d show up with an entire wad of cash and there'd be two guys with guns outside. This is how it started maybe 20 years ago. I got some benefit from that, and I went back and I did it again. I noticed that the stems are…just like an incredible boost of something. And in my opinion, it's basically like giving you more voltage. And the body is voltage, right? So, if you increase the voltage of the body, all those cells can function better.

With you, I did the intranasal. I did it twice - two treatments within a week. I think I did my knee, my shoulder, an IV, and I had even done some in Columbia previously. So I am a big fan of that. But then again, I'm of the mentality of, hey, look - I'm going to do whatever it takes for my body because I've been there when the body's broken down.

I take it very seriously. And when I'm functioning at my best, I'm a hundred X of what I produce or how much money I can make…how good I am for the world, or how there I am for my family and friends. And that means more to me than the money.

So I would take all my money and spend it on what it needs to be spent on. That's why I also live here, because I do whatever it takes to get into the sea every single day. That's my medicine at the end of the day.

These other things, they're really just big Band-Aids that keep the machine running so that I can go on a travel binge. It's when I last saw you for four months straight, came back and reset myself. It’s about living the life that we want to live.

Regan Archibald: How beautiful…A lot of people - especially in your industry, they taste a little bit of success in the stock markets or whatever. You've got a really good brain and great capabilities. And all they want is more and more, but you're somebody who's actually saying, I just want to enjoy my lifeexperience it differently.

So was it your illness that created that mindset? Or did you have a mentor? What helped you recognize the value of having a more harmony in your life?

Step Sinatra: The mentor and the instructor was my body. I mean…that's what taught me the most.

When the body's screaming for rest, it's screaming for peace. And we don't want to give it peace, because of our program…American programming. As Americans, we have this incredible programming to produce, to drive. It's great…And we export it, actually.

Let me just give you an example…Yesterday, I didn't turn my phone on until midnight. And sometimes I will lapse a day. But I need to check with my mother, right? She wants to hear from me because it’s a weekend, or today there's like lots of work that has to get handled. But it’s freedom for me.

And the blessing for me is, when I can just keep my phone off as long as possible…completely disconnect, have the power shut down in my house, live like a caveman for a few days. I feel unbelievable! The best. I'm in the sea. I'm exercising. I'm generating internal electricity. That's what I love and it does the best for me.

And even if I'm totally by myself, getting that nurturing self love feeling…I wouldn't trade that for the world. Somebody could offer me a CEO job for half a billion dollars and I would say no. I wouldn't change it for anything. It's priceless.

Regan Archibald: That's real freedom right there. That's some power. Do you get energized when you're around other people as well? Do you have a community there in Greece that you connect with, or how do you get the interaction that most of us need some level of?

Step Sinatra: We're all human. We need that like heart-field connection. We absolutely need that. Yeah, I get it. I have a decent community here. It's pretty good. I enjoy it. It's not that spiritual, loving SoCal community that I used to have - that I still haven't found in Europe, but it's great. It nurtures me and it sustains me when I want it.

The key here is that I live 45 minutes outside of town. So the only way to get to my house is by a water taxi or walking up and down hills with donkeys. There’re no cars on the island. Yeah, it takes effort to connect.

But I also fake being the biggest extrovert of all time. I'm such an introvert and I'm an empath too. So, I recharge by being alone or by being in nature, one on one. That's it. And then I can be of service to the world.

Regan Archibald: Wow. That's great. Because you are very conversational. And you would think a caveman would be a little more reclusive, but you're not.

So let's talk about grounding. You're launching these new grounding shoes. And I think grounding is one of the most powerful things we can do.

We talk about mitochondrial health a lot, and the cell response is triggered by mycotoxins. So just by grounding your body, you take your cells out of that cell danger response. You can actually start generating ATP for your cells instead of triggering a fight-or-flight response.

Talk about how the grounding shoes change that and just talk about what they are. And then let's talk about how they'll change your physiology.

Step Sinatra: Okay. Sure. I was wearing them in the office. Remember when I was there?

Regan Archibald: Yeah.

Step Sinatra: First, we have to keep in mind that - okay, the earth is a battery. You are a battery. And If the human body had a user manual, it would say, must be charged to earth at frequent intervals because we need that charge. So we're basically getting negative electrons, which I believe are the fuel of the body.

We always talk about mitochondrial health. My father was a big proponent of it. I just heard a fact the other day. It was, “10 percent of our body weight is mitochondria.” Do you believe that?

Regan Archibald: That seems excessive, but I don't know.

Step Sinatra: Right? I thought that was excessive too, saying it's 100 trillion mitochondria. But within each mitochondrion is that electron transport chain. That's enough to tell you right there.

At that super quantum level, these electrons are going through this little factory, creating adenosine triphosphate (ATP). They're creating energy. And that energy is actually what fuels us. So at the core of it all, the fuel is electrons. And we get electrons from our food, depending upon how good the quality of it is.

There's more electrons in the sea or the earth…negative ions. We're getting these. We need electrons. So, the shoes are super great now because they weren't around in the last 50 years. The last 50 years, there was this production of rubber-soled shoes that insulate you from the Schumann frequency 7.83 hertz and the transfer of electrons. So you're not getting that earth energy that you need.

Now, my father actually made the claim that a lot of modern illness and inflammation are due, in part, to wearing these shoes. I believe that. We didn't catch on, from a medical standpoint, that inflammation is the creator of many of these modern-day diseases. That kind of caught on around the millennium. So 2000…2005; that's when that mantra was starting to kick around. My father was on board with it, and I love that.

Basically, we all are wearing rubber-soled shoes. And in the past, cavemen were barefoot, or they wore leather-soled shoes, which are conductive.

I actually have a whole plethora of grounding shoes. I should show them to you. Now there're about 10 companies that are making these shoes with…silver, copper, natural leather... And we're testing them…making sure they still ground people. Some don't. So we go back, we work with these brands, and they fix them.

It's really fascinating. And these are the only shoes I wear now. I threw away my € 500.00 Italian shoes I bought in Florence - four pairs of those. I don't even need 'em. I just want to be connected to the earth. The hottest thing now in grounding and earthing is the grounded shoe technology.

Regan Archibald: And so how are you testing them? How do you determine if they ground you using copper, other metals or just leather?

Step Sinatra: Yeah. First we just use this kind of conductivity (continuity) tester that you can get from It basically shows you if you're completing a circuit with the earth. That's the easiest way.

If you want to delve deeper into it, you break out the multimeter and make sure that there's conductivity - especially when you're wearing the shoe.

Conductivity depends on the type of surface you're on because each surface has a different level of conductivity, especially if there's moisture, or no moisture…Asphalt versus concrete versus grass…

Actually, number one is the sea…the ocean…salt. Number two grass. And then it's just different layers after that. But it’s instantaneous. When you touch a leaf, within milliseconds you're connected to the earth.

Regan Archibald: Wow and for those of you who think oh, this is so out there…you can get struck by lightning and get electrocuted pretty darn fast. You can put your finger in a live socket. You will get shocked. And that's because our bodies are electrical beings. There is a great book. Becker is his last name.

Step Sinatra: Ah. Body Electric - the best! I'm so glad you brought that up. It is my absolutely one of my favorite books. I'm reading it right now. You're into this?

Regan Archibald: Yeah. I read his book about 20 years ago because that's when cell phones just came out. My Japanese teacher said, “get it as far away from your body as possible because it's going to ruin your meridian systems.” So I've always been somewhat sensitive and careful about my cell phone and EMFs. But The Body Electric…what's his first name? Is it Greg Becker?

Step Sinatra: Robert.

Regan Archibald: Robert Becker. Robert. Thank you.

Step Sinatra: I'm so happy you're into that.

Regan Archibald: I haven't read it in 20 years, but it was really profound at the time.

Step Sinatra: Yeah, it is. And it still blows my mind that modern science hasn't picked this up yet.

So basically what Becker is saying is, the body is D.C. current, right? We're direct. We're direct current. I want to call that divine current…and we're not A.C. current, which is pretty much “artificial current,” right? It's man-made.

He's saying we're D.C. And I totally believe this because we have a magnetic field. You can test that. There is current running through us. It's basically from spirit spectra to our sushumna, ida pagala, and all the meridians from acupuncture. These are all just creating this incredible magnetic field, the Torah, whatever you want to call it around the body.

So he goes into all the tests that he did on frogs, salamanders to confirm that, that we are D.C. current. And then he took it a step further. He got inspired by Albert von Szent-Györgyi, who I think is profound too. He was a Nobel prize-winner for discovering vitamin C and oxidation.

So, he proposed in the forties that, hey, maybe the body has some semiconductor properties. Nobody picked that up. They just laughed it off. Becker decides that, hey, I'm going to carry this legacy and I'm going to try to prove this is true. He did in multiple ways, showing that the bone is actually piezoelectric. Collagen is piezoelectric. It's a superconductor. We know that our fascia is that silvery stuff. It’s a semiconductor. I've been saying this for years. I believe that's how the electrons are going everywhere in our bodies. They need to go from that collagen matrix within our bodies.

Becker was profound and unfortunately, I think he got… not funded anymore because they knew what he was doing. And the whole electro-therapy bandwagon really got shut down in 1910 when the Carnegies came and rewrote the entire medical system. They took it all out and put in anything that was mostly biochemistry, and that's the paradigm we've been living in since.

Regan Archibald: Yeah, the Carnegies…I know the Rockefellers were the big slugs - just with the Flexner Report

Step Sinatra: The Flexner report, yeah. Abraham Flexner.

Regan Archibald: Yeah, Dr. Flexner…Just anything that's outside of allopathic, chemical-based medicine. That's when chemistry was…what governed it all. If you look at it physiologically…the physics governs the chemistry and then the chemistry governs biology. But if you don't have the electrical system in place, even the best chemistry is not going to make a difference.

So, I think this is for grounding, so powerful. Tell us a little bit about… you've got a book coming out or it's already out, and shoes. How can people get looped into this and into your world?

Step Sinatra: Thanks. That's why we - my family and I - started it. And it's really run by my sister and I now. And it was started by my father and I back in 2009, and it's So the logo is what's behind me. Everything is at grounded. com… all the studies, the research papers, any information you possibly want. There's links to the shoes, which we're building now every week. We're doing tons of shoe work because that's so new. And my brother's on board too. He's an NMD. He's close to you. He's who I flew to after I saw you. So as a family, we run grounded and that's probably the best place to go.

We don't do too much social media. We don't make too many YouTube videos. It's not really our thing. But we provide the best information we can, and the book is called Get Grounded, Get Well. It's on Amazon.

Regan Archibald: Tell us about the 7.83 hertz (the Earth’s frequency). What does that mean?

Step Sinatra: Yeah, the Schumann frequency. Dr. Winfred Otto Schumann came out with this in the 50s. He discovered that the Earth oscillates at 7.83 hertz, which is pretty wild because of our auditory spectrum. What we can hear is only between 20 hertz and 1600 hertz. So, the Earth is pulsing at 7. 83 hertz, which is really the heartbeat. We can't hear it, which is beautiful, but we're feeling it. And as electromagnetic beings, we have a magnetic field.

The Earth has a magnetic field. That's like our mother, literally. And we need that frequency. I'm a big believer that these, very low frequencies - like 10 hertz, are amazing for you. 20,40 50 helps build bone. Up to a hundred I believe is beneficial. Then after that it's hard to say.

Yeah, there's 432…I believe in all these other geos too, to listen to from an auditory perspective. But that's actually my background; it is what brought me to Europe. I was involved with all frequency medicine and frequency energy and working with all these German technology machines that were used in clinical settings to help heal people.

So I'm a big believer in frequency medicine. And it really starts with the Earth.

Regan Archibald: That's cool. So that is the vibration; it's the heartbeat of the Earth - 7.83 hertz. And then you mentioned -medicinally, you find that it's a hundred hertz or less is where the most benefits come from.

But there's the auditory things…I've listened to different auditory levels where there is that complete healing for 432… I believe that is what that one is. What are your thoughts? Did you see any benefits in that? What is some of the research you've done?

Step Sinatra: The research is out there a little bit. Like the biohackers that we can be sometimes, we’re just trying to get better. We're going to play around with this stuff and see if it works. I feel that it works. There's a company I really called like Neo Beats and they do specific frequencies that you can listen to.

I found those to be pretty good. I've tried a ton of things out there and I do believe they help. For example, there's a device called the Equiscope, which is actually made by a good friend of mine named John Thorpe out of Southern California. And this one changed the game for me because you can put on these ear clips and give 10 hertz, 20 hertz or 40 hertz to your brain at a very low level voltage, power. It's incredible what it does for you. It's like neurofeedback…it calms your nervous system down and puts you in this parasympathetic state. You feel your vagal tone literally just melt.

It took away my tinnitus. So I bought a machine. It was that simple. I really believe in these frequencies that we need and sometimes I think the external environment is throwing us out of whack these days… too much cell phone use and too many towers and satellites and all this noise that's coming through. It's sometimes hard to get those healing frequencies that we need.

Regan Archibald: Man, yeah, it's powerful. And, for those of you who have not tried it or explored frequencies, it's everywhere. You can find these devices. You can download things on YouTube. Just start looking up “hertz and frequencies,” and I think you'll be shocked.

Man, this has been amazing. Stephen, I love the insights that you've shared today. Really appreciate the work you've done because you've been on a healing journey and now you're healing the rest of us. So I really appreciate that. Any final insights or pieces of wisdom you'd like to share with the audience?

Step Sinatra: Thanks for saying that. Sure.

First things first - Definitely get out and ground yourself - just give it a try. Just see how you feel, right? It may sound woo woo to you, but there is a lot of science now backing this. Just try it.

If you want the gold standard, start sleeping grounded. That's next piece. Then start wearing the grounded shoes and you may feel it immediately. It may take a few months, depending upon where you are. Everybody's different. Everybody's nervous systems are different. Everybody's had different traumas. You know what it's like…everybody walks in the door, and they have a completely different subset. So that's healing.

Then number two is, think of yourself electrically. Try to shift the mentality that we've been programmed to believe…that we're biochemical. Shift to think that we're electrical. What does that mean? Where am I getting my fuel source from? You can generate that fuel in your body just by the way you breathe, in your cells. This whole body is designed to produce its own energy, and it does. It's fascinating. We just have to give it what it needs.

I love talking about, so I'll keep talking about it, and blood viscosity and zeta potential and all this other stuff. Just get out there and try grounding - that's what I can say.

Regan Archibald: Yeah, try it and get out of your head and into your body. You'll be shocked how much more energy you feel and what you can generate just by doing some of these simple things. So Stephen, thanks so much. And I really appreciate you being on and appreciate all the work you're doing.

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