Clint Paddison: Today, I've got a very special guest who's going to talk about all of the tremendous evidence-based benefits of grounding or earthing, which is where we get our skin in direct contact with Mother Earth. If you were to come and see my house, I also have a bunch of artificial ways of doing this.

There was a grounding sheet on my bed for a while. I intermittently have a grounding pad under my feet here in the office that's connected to the earth socket, at the power outlet. I used to also put earthing patches onto my joints that were affected with rheumatoid arthritis, which were again, grounded through the earthing socket.

And as part of our program and part of our coaching, We have everybody, every day, get out barefoot walking on grass for 20 minutes, and I do it almost every day. I love it. And it's been instrumental to reversing the inflammation in my feet. And so I'm super excited to bring today's guest to the podcast.

His name is Step Sinatra. Now he's the author of a book that is called Get Grounded, Get Well which he co wrote with his father [Stephen Sinatra, M.D., F.A.C.C.] and Sharon Whiteley. And he also is the co-author of a medical published journal [article] called “Grounding the Universal Anti Inflammatory Remedy,” which is how I came to discover Step, because I'm always looking at the medical research.

Onto the things that we do, which we've found to help myself and other people with inflammatory arthritis. We're going to go deep today on grounding. Everything you needed to know is coming at you from Step, who's now joining me all the way from the Greek islands. G'day Step.

Step Sinatra: Excellent to be here. That's right.

We're going to, we're going to have a good deep dive and we're going to get our feet in the grass. I'm glad you - I'm glad you brought that up right in the beginning. That's what people can do.

Clint Paddison: I love it. I love it. So let's get into, first of all, what is this, what does it mean? Just give us your definition of grounding.

Step Sinatra: Yeah, absolutely. It's so simple. It's basically just connecting with the earth and there's a lot of wishy washy woo stigma to that, but it's so simple and it's so healing because, basically, we found the science now. The science wasn't there, but ancient man really understood this at a primordial level, we knew that we had something in touch with the earth.

And what was that? That was energy. That was resonance. That was frequency. What did Tesla say? If you want to look at the secrets, find the secrets of the universe. Energy, frequency, and vibration. This is what the Earth is providing. And Otto Schumann found in the 50s was that there's a resonance.

And this is called the Schumann Resonance. And it vibrates at 7. 83 Hz. So it's the heartbeat of the Earth. And as human beings, we need this frequency. This is the one frequency that kind of really harmonizes everything. And let's say, I used to live in Manhattan, actually, before I moved to Greece. And I used to live on the 45th floor and I didn't know it then - I had no idea, but maybe that precipitated a lot of my health issues because I was so high up and disconnected from that frequency.

And then I'm walking to work with rubber-sole shoes. I was disconnected. We found all this out in the past two decades and how important that is. So bring it back. It's connecting with the earth to do what one received this human frequency and number two, three electrons at the core level of everything.

I'm going to debunk the entire theory. And I'm going to tell you what I believe is that what we've been taught is a hoax that we really are all biochemical. There's some theory to that. That's a Newtonian model. We're talking about more of a quantum electric model. We, the fuel that we need, comes in the form of electrons, and we get it from food, air, water, etc.

The Earth is the number one provider of electrons, and we need that, but we need skin contact to the Earth. So that's, that'll sum it up a little bit without getting too crazy.

Clint Paddison: Yeah you've touched upon some topics that we want to explore a lot more in more detail. But let me just put this now, before we get into that detail, into the frame briefly of rheumatoid arthritis.

But we won't hold there too long. I want this interview to be very broad based, but specifically with rheumatoid arthritis from which I can speak of the science with great confidence. We know that there is a state of oxidative stress within the body, which is a state in which there is an inadequate amount of electrons.

And when we have this in the outer valence shell of the makeup of our molecules, then we can suffer the consequences where the cells can break down. Apoptosis, we lose cells, and if this happens on the gut lining, we can have leaky gut. Without going too much further, the studies are very clear that oxidative stress, again, a deficiency of electrons, correlates with the disease activity for rheumatoid arthritis to the extent where measures like C-reactive protein and sed rate, which are inflammatory markers in the blood.

Researchers have said that we could alternatively use oxidative stress markers because they are just as indicative of disease activity as the inflammatory markers. So if we can get more electrons into the body of people with RA. We, according to the science, are going to potentially reduce this deficiency that we have.

Awesome way to set us into this discussion. I'm gonna have an open hook here. I'm gonna open hook. I want to find out first how you got into this and became so passionate. And how your family became the world leaders at this pioneering work. And and then we will go into all the action because I want to hear why you're so into this.

Step Sinatra: Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So we got a lot there, but I was a wall street trader coming out of college. And that was my dream. That was my passion. I loved it. Lived in New York city. I was making a lot of money. I was doing what I loved. I was designed to do that and my health suffered because it was such a stressful lifestyle.

And over those years, I really started to break down. I was in the hospital multiple times. We didn't know what was going on, but really it was just adrenal fatigue. Maybe there was some Lyme disease in there. Who knows, right? A lot of other factors. So at the kind of the same time, my father meets Clint over at a medical conference.

Yeah, you're also a Clint. [I mean] Clint Ober; meanwhile, has been out there talking about Earthing and getting no traction. The medical community is laughing at him. He's not getting any sort of medical substance that he can grasp onto and market this and sell this to the world. My father comes along and he immediately gets it because he was a cardiac doctor.

He was a cardiologist. And he understood inflammation and he was one of the guys in the beginning, in the early 2000s, coming out and saying, hey, most of modern disease is the result of, like you're saying, oxidative stress, the free radical theory of aging and excessive inflammation that is not being addressed or discussed.

And now we know that a lot of that inflammation is a lack of electrons or electrons not going to where they should be going. Because of a conduction issue. And we can get into this later and how I believe the body is a semiconductor and it gets blocked. So my father and Clint meet at a great conference.

They hit it off. They're both kind of cowboys wearing cowboy boots. They also have a rapport and they team up and write this book, Earthing: the most important health discovery ever? And it comes out around 2010. And at that point they had already had multiple studies. They conducted multiple research projects to validate.

Earthing was working. It was basically putting out the fire of inflammation. It was thinning the blood. It was increasing zeta potential to repair the charge of the cells. Spaced apart so your blood was flowing better like red wine, which is critical for an inflammatory situation.

So to speed this up, those two write the book takes off, and here we are, over 14 years later, and this movement has just been slowly progressing over that time. Now for me, I'll rewind, I was actually incredibly sick. Thank you. At 27 years old. Just completely sick with losing weight for five years.

I couldn't gain weight. I was in and out of hospitals. And meanwhile, I'm seeing every doctor in the world. My father had the contacts and I had the money coming off of wall street. So I'm throwing hundreds of thousands of dollars at clinics, doctors, therapies. Before biohacking was even a word, I did everything I could because I wanted to feel better.

So I finally end up at 83 pounds, this is no joke, 42 kilos, something like this, in a hospital, and I was wasting away. I dropped 40 pounds in literally a month. Nobody could figure out what was going on. Doctors gave me a 1 percent chance of living through the night. The day I arrived in that hospital, they'd never seen anything like this.

Liver failure, kidney failure, pancreatic failure across the board. It was just a total mess. And I thought I was gone. I really believed like that was my time. And I said, okay, I lived a great life. I had already done some great things. I'm 27, 30 years, almost the end of that window of 27 Saturn returns.

And I had a talk with God. This is -no, it was one of those situations that you hear about, you read about. And it happened and I couldn't believe it. It was really that moment. And when God gave me the question, which was. Do I want to stay here? Immediately I felt this amazing amount of love just coming through my family and the world around me.

And I had this epiphany that I had created my worst fear, which is right in the moment. But if I created my worst fear, I could create my wildest dreams. And I didn't know it then how we create, but we create with, thoughts, feelings, emotions. And this is also electrons. It's also electricity. This is also information, which gets into a deeper part.

But it was a 40-day hospital stay. I got out of that because God told me that everything was going to be great that I was going to thrive. It was going to be really hard at first. It was brutal, but I did. And one of the first things I did when I got out was my father had just received one of these prototypes for the earthing mat, and it was the same one that the guys in the Tour de France were using.

And what I did was I plugged it into the earth, in the grass behind me, you see this little virtual image - the stake? And I ran the cord into my mother's house and I slept on this. I actually had the first night's sleep in two months where I slept six hours, totally unbroken, didn't have to get up and go to the bathroom.

I had previously, I had the worst neuropathy ever in my legs. I couldn't even move. And all of a sudden, I wake up and I'm like, wow, what just happened? So it was from that day on, I knew that there was a massive connection because when you're really sick or you're really sensitive, like I'm sensitive; I feel things.

Even when I was in the hospital environment, I could feel a cell phone ring outside the room. I could just have a different layer of communicating with the field. I felt this so deep in my resonance, and I just knew at that moment that's what was gonna catapult my own healing, and it did. And I thrived.

But I know that I needed to find the ground. So it all culminated in this interesting story. And then my father started amping up his involvement in grounding. I got involved. I started in 2009 and my brother got involved. My sister now works with with us. We run the company together and we're very passionate about it because we've seen it from me.

They all were in the hospital with me. They saw the transformation that happened and we've done all the research. And it's there, and it's true, and I love it.

Clint Paddison: What a story. Wow. Yeah. On a much smaller scale, but to drive home the point to the rheumatoid arthritis audience, nothing works as well for feet.

For inflammatory, sorry, for inflammatory arthritis in the feet than getting out every single day and walking 20 minutes in soft grass. That's literally like the number one strategy that I recommend to people and have done for years and do it myself. Let's however, address as much of the skepticism as we possibly can.

What science, you mentioned that your father especially was uncovering many years ago. What are some of the more documented or famous studies that help to really drive home the evidence behind this? Yeah. Yeah.

Step Sinatra: Yeah. Yeah it goes back to the inflammation situation again, and one of my favorite studies is the one my father did on blood viscosity.

So blood viscosity is basically like hypercoagulation. It's a 21st century phenomenon didn't really exist before. Maybe, but it's basically when the blood is like red ketchup, as my father would say, and we want blood like red wine, where it's flowing, and it's going where it needs to go. It's getting through those small, narrow capillaries, and nutrients are being exchanged correctly.

So if your blood is thick -which has also been proven post-COVID -that also thickens the blood. You are in a more of a hypoxic state because you're not getting the oxygen that you need. So that whole downstream effect is just going to create inflammation. Alright. I was looking at my blood for many years doing blood microscopy. Maybe you've done that before? I assume so, right? Yeah, many times. I have.

Clint Paddison: Yep, only in the early stages. Not recently, but when I was sick, I did it a couple of times, but never in the healthy years.

Step Sinatra: Yeah, and when you were sick, how did it look? Do you remember? Oh,

Clint Paddison: the person, the guy who ran it the first time said, you can see that all of your blood appears to be sticking together. I'll never forget the words and what it looked like on the microscope screen.

Step Sinatra: Yeah, exactly. And what's causing that problem is some inflammatory response going on in the body. Now, that could be coming from an external factor like excessive EMFs, poor food choices, bad water - the myriad of stuff we know we're dealing with these days. My father decides to run this study and see if it if it's going to improve the blood. And it does. So the number one study he has, in my opinion, which I believe could win a Nobel Prize, is this blood viscosity one. I really believe it's like that important, especially from a cardiovascular perspective, getting into inflammation.

We have thin blood, you're gonna be, you're gonna be feeling great, you're gonna be healthy, your body's gonna be really recharging. And the key here is that thinner blood and blood moving through the body better, actually generate electricity. The heart does way more than just pump blood.

I also believe that's part of a myth. The heart is there to facilitate this electric conduction of blood that's going through the body. Stephanie Seneff talks about this and the more the blood can flow correctly. The more these electrons are actually creating in a magnetic field, and this magnetic field is your energy, this is your prana, this is everything that's going out, without sounding too woo.

So we have to remember, I'm trying to debunk the theory of Newtonian model for the body, and bring us into quantum, where as electrical beings, we need to feed ourself electricity, and that comes in the form of electrons, in which we're getting from the earth. Blood viscosity is a huge study.

Another part of that study is zeta potential. Same thing, in a way. So zeta potential is basically the negative charge between blood cells. And if the charge of the cell is too low, you are going to have that also that clumping effect. And you need more of this charge to repel those blood cells to keep them from not sticking.

You see what I mean? So if you have that then you've got more charge going on in the body. And Bruce Lipton would say, okay, look, there's 7 trillion cells or some million cells in the body. All cells are resonating at like negative 40 millivolts. And when you have cancer, that drops. Dr. Jerry Tennant talks about this too.

So he'll make the claim that there is an electrical component to overall health, especially cancer. So if you're grounding and you're increasing your electrons, you're there for getting thinner blood, repelling the blood from each other, and you're able to produce better electricity at a core cellular level.

Therefore cancer or inflammation is not able to really take hold. If that maybe simplifies it. There's a little more detail in there, but I want to leave it like there.

Clint Paddison: Yes, yeah, excellent. And then in smaller studies, I recall that there's also been some for arthritis, and I imagine that there's and, you co authored, if people are interested to go through this in detail, go to Biomedical Journal, Volume 46, Issue 1, February 2023, Grounding the Universal Anti Inflammatory Remedy.

And in here, we're talking about basically a literature review of all the studies that have occurred, I'm guessing over the last 30, 40 years, and you break it down by condition and break it down also by category of mechanism at play to talk about the the electron flow as one and including other mechanisms at play, talking about the effect on COVID and on the age-related theory of electron deficiency and free radical breakdown.

So it's a wonderful read. So it's very exciting and what, to what extent would you say that to what level of degree of conviction do you have that the evidence is so great that everyone should be doing this?

Step Sinatra: 100 percent. 110 percent Yeah, because I've been there when the studies are being done and I've seen this.

I have seen the transformation. We even did -with my father - the study where he grounded a patient with like really severe retinopathy where basically the blood flow is not getting into those deep capillaries of the eye, some of the smallest capillaries in the body. And after 40 minutes of grounding.

They use the equipment and they found that the blood was actually finally getting deep into that area. And that's how healing is going to occur. So I've seen it firsthand with my body. I've seen it with the studies and there's more coming out. And basically the kind of the idea with the universal antioxidant is you can go grab a handful of pills, supplements, These are also antioxidants.

There's a lot of antioxidants out there, even in nature, right? Special foods and get them into the body. That's the biochemical approach, or you can do the electrical approach, which is with the earth.

Clint Paddison: Gotcha, gotcha. And there's one other approach that we use in our program, which is by building up our exercise and fitness capacity.

Yes. We are building up more glutathione and catalase and superoxide dismutase, all of these antioxidant enzymes, and I'm just wondering, I'm just wondering how that might fit into the electron supply from the earth, and perhaps it's a little bit too complicated. I don't know, but you might be able to shed some light on that.

Step Sinatra: We're on, we're on to something. We know those pillars, right? Why is health like this? Exercise is so important. You talk about SOD, glutathione, BDNF. So all of that is, once again, downstream stuff from what - from getting more electrons. If we thought about it like this, and we're going to get more electrons, if we exercise, why?

Because we're increasing our respiratory rate. We're bringing more oxygen into the body. Exercise alone will help thin the blood. Exercise alone will help bring up zeta potential. This is all creating more. And actually the body - this is my personal theory. This is not from proving it, but I believe the body, like I said, is generating its own electrons.

It has this capacity. Just think about it right here. We are. We're maintaining this temperature at whatever it is. 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. We're able to function. We have all this incredible energy. We have current. We are a magnetic field that's been proven. So somehow this whole body is an energetic system, which means we have a battery within us.

And I believe those batteries are a fantastic place. It's been incredible to see how that energy has been changed in the last 10 years. It's not just the energy. It's the capacity. It's the texture. It's the ability. It's the power. So it's not just the physics. It's the ability to connect materials. It’s the ability to communicate with Earth.

And they're at actually a cellular membrane level deep in the mitochondria, deep everywhere, almost in the body. And especially the fascia, that's the semiconductor. So as our own battery, if we start moving it around and shaking it. I'm just giving you an example - with exercise, it has to generate more.

Like back to the blood flow, ripping through the body, going through, you're creating more of a magnetic field. This is my own personal theory, it hasn't been proven yet, but I'm working on this.

Clint Paddison: I love it. I love it. This is right on the money of the things I like to talk about. And rarely do I meet someone that can shed light on things that I think about a lot.

So this is fascinating to me. Let's now bring it back into very practical step-by-step instructions that can help people. So first of all, I mentioned the feet and the response -that's again, anecdotal, but it's helpful, not just for me, but our community. And there's a lot of people doing this.

A lot of people saying it's doing really good. Do you think that, or do you know, do we know from the science and your research that when the feet connect with the earth, that the electrons reach all far distant parts of the body, Or is it just localized to the foot? So that's first question.

Step Sinatra: Good question.

If we do some thermography and we look at that, you can see something, right? Over a time lapse. But here's what I think is going on. In the feet, we have all the kind of basis of the meridian channels for acupuncture. And acupuncture meridians are those energy channels where that's where the flow could be going through of the electron capacity to deliver where they need to go.

That's the thing. I also believe that the fascia in the body, which is really very important and completely overlooked, has these semiconductor properties. You know how, when you look at a steak and you cut it? You’re maybe plant-based, but if you ever look at that kind of shimmery, silvery, sinewy thing in a steak, like that's super hard, that's the fascia.

And that has the property to conduct electrons. And if it's stuck or it's not moving, that's a problem. So that's why like foam rolling, simple things like stretching and stuff also helps like create more of a flow, but the feet are very important. My father would always talk about, just the most important is, the K-1 point right in the middle.

That's kidney-one point from traditional acupuncture. And when you're getting energy coming up through that, your kidneys are your jing (chi), your energy. And we're learning so much more about this, but there's some ancient wisdom here. So basically the energy is coming up through the feet, but it will go everywhere.

That's my theory.

Clint Paddison: Oh, I love that because if we're wearing shoes as well, not only is there no actual contact, say if they're rubber shoes, with the earth. So that's the first place that we understand. That's very obvious. But what's less obvious as well is that there's no actual contact of that arch part, that crucial acupuncture part because of the arch in the heel.

It only really touches a surface. If you actually have soft, grass, the whole arch of the foot can become in contact.

Step Sinatra: You're right. Exactly. It's right where my head is on this virtual thing. That's it - exactly. You nailed it. Like this piece. And I'm glad you brought up the shoes because we have this chart in that in that research paper that you mentioned where, hey, is there a correlation here between when rubber sole shoes were introduced to the world in the late forties, fifties, et cetera, that all of a sudden, all these inflammatory diseases like diabetes and RA and everything started to creep up because it?

As the general population started putting rubber on their feet, they're disconnecting from the frequency and electron transfer. So therefore, is this possible? We're making the claim that yes, this could be possible. I'm not saying it a hundred percent, but I believe it's possible. And think about it. We're using rubber-soled shoes.

We're getting bombarded by, non native magnetic fields, electromagnetics. We are in a toxic soup, just across the board, from the food supply to, once again, we get into, mercury, et cetera. And the body isn't able to really repair itself if it's not getting those electrons. So of course, there's going to be some more modern illness.

And we think that's part of the reason why society is dealing with what it's dealing with today.

Clint Paddison: I love this. We've spoken a little bit about this electron transfer from the earth. And I understand this concept because I've read into this research myself, but for the benefit of our audience, I think we've overlooked this and we need to explain this, but essentially the earth is this infinite supply of electrons.

Isn't it? It’s self-producing, and can you just better the words around this concept for us?

Step Sinatra: Yeah, sure. So let's think of it like this…The earth is actually just one big battery. Like you said, it just stores electrons. But where's it getting these electrons from? That is going on deep in the ionosphere where there is a negative charge on the surface of the earth and a positive charge way up in the ionosphere.

My father would always talk about, there's all the lightning strikes that occur around the equator are also part of the charging mechanism that is bringing this electricity into the earth and those are happening because of that charge - from the positive up to the negative down, attracting that energy.

So really, it's like this once again, the Earth is its own energy machine, but it's also a battery storing electrons. Therefore, I also make the claim that the body is the same thing, once again. That we are our own energy machine, and we also store electrons. But, we lose them, with emotional stress in our life.

This is just everything. We're always losing electrons. So we need those constant supply of electrons. Does that help?

Clint Paddison: Yeah, absolutely. And we're losing them to our food, too. An area of research that I'm very passionate about is heated fats and especially heated oils and how that dramatically increases the free radical potential because the fats oxidize during the heating process.

Completely. Yeah, as a result, if we're stir frying foods, especially high fat foods, and then consuming them, then our body has to contribute the electrons to that meal to neutralize it, and the body does do that. Okay, so we have this concept of postprandial, or after our meal, oxidative load on the body, and if we consume a lot of antioxidant-rich foods with the meal, we can neutralize them with our foods, but if we don't, and this happened to me back in 2017, I ate a really, highly, multi heated, deep-fried meal, and my rheumatoid - boom.

Oh yeah. Yeah.

Step Sinatra: Yeah. Yeah.

Clint Paddison: Would you agree that this phenomenon is a powerful one? Yeah,

Step Sinatra: Absolutely. I was a nutritionist. I studied natural health, all that stuff. And I was so gangbusters on rancid oils and even just oils being fresh and how they're pressed. Even just eating nuts that like have been in a package.

No, no good. Those are actually getting rancid. Nuts came in a shell that you break, like a walnut, you break it and it's fresh. You eat it there. Then you're getting that right omega oil that you want that hasn't been rancid. And my father talked a lot about this too. Rancid oils are super oxidative, like you mentioned.

And then, yeah, your body has to pull electrons to put out that fire. And that is this constant problem. So if you're eating those type of oils or you're getting that in your food supply constantly, you're in depletion mode, not in yeah, acceleration mode, let's say.

Clint Paddison: Yeah, I hear you. Okay. So what, let's see, before we go, before I ask you yours, like top five recommendations for people and so on.

Let me just see here…I wanted to find out - let's see, what do you think, or do we know…how effective are the local patches and putting, say, connecting to the earth sockets as opposed to literally just holding a tree, standing in the grass? How, what are the differences in terms of efficacy?

Step Sinatra: Yeah, good question. We get that a lot. It's simple. Connecting with the earth is going to be like top tier. It doesn't get, it doesn't get any more than that. And however you do it, it really doesn't matter that much. I like to sa,y like a gold standard is jumping in the sea or the ocean.

That's the best -hands down- the best. And that's why I moved to Greece. I should take this virtual background off. I can show you the sea behind me. Literally. That's why I moved here because I want to be in the sea every day. Why? It's basically like the amniotic fluid of the earth and there's minerals.

And when you get those minerals - also, when you're connected to the earth, it's going to be a better kind of energy flow and absorption rate because you are also getting minerals back. If you touch a tree or a leaf with skin conductivity, you're immediately grounded. Now, if we go into the outlet, which we're talking about, so we're getting into the products.

Okay, you live in a city…You're in Manhattan, like I was. You have to get into the grounding system of the house. This is an option. This is, we live in a modern world, so that's why these products came about because a lot of people can't do that on a daily basis or it's just too cold, simple as that.

I get it. So have the option to go through the outlet, which is good. And you also have the other option to put a grounding rod into the earth and run that wire, like I said, into the house and then sleep on, connect that to the mat. I much prefer that one more than anything else, because you're going direct once again, if you're going into the wall outlet, there is a theory out there about some dirty electricity and that still hasn't really been fully debunked.

I have experienced certain times where I'm saying, let's like, let's say if I'm in Las Vegas, which I never want to go to unless you pay me to go there a lot to speak about this. But if you're there and you plug into that and there's a lot of electromagnetics going on all around you, you may have the ability to pull that in through the grounding system that's going through like the hotels.

Yeah. So that is a theory. And I just know that I sleep better when I use the grounding rod. That's simple. And I'm a very intuitive and I very feel it and I just feel better when I do it that way. So that's how I do it.

And I would recommend people do it.

Clint Paddison: Okay, good. This is now, it's just like a genuine, like a customer sort of feedback thing.

You may have heard this a lot before, maybe not, or maybe the product I have. The earthing sheet, it's not a sheet, but it's like a mat, if you like, that sits under you, that I bought. That I put on my bed, I found that wasn't breathing very well and I was getting very hot at night. And so instead of that, I've thought, okay, fine, I tried it.

But for me, that particular product, it was, it caused me to overheat at night. And so I really just invest all of my energy into getting out naturally and get barefoot and I, as my kids said today, when I told them about who my guest was for this show this evening, they said, Daddy, you go and walk in mud.

You've walked when it's raining barefoot. I said, I do, honey, because it works. Do you, does your company supply and address that issue of potentially the breathability of the sleep products?

Step Sinatra: Yeah. Are you talking about the sheets or is it like the black mat?

Clint Paddison: It's a black mat and it's thick ish with little holes through it.

And it's somewhat, it has some white to it.

Step Sinatra: Yeah. Yeah. I don't know the exact mat, but I think I have an idea because there's so many versions of these now. There's a lot of knockoffs and Clint was the one that really has the patents that created this. Like I said, 20 years ago, and he's constantly working on refining the products to make them better and better.

And yes, some maybe weren't breathable. You would get hot. But if I have to reframe that, there's also something that's really good about that. If you do perspire, you sweat a little bit while your perspiration has minerals in it. If that touches the mat that way, you're going to conduct much better.

A lot of people with chronic illness, and even I was one of them when I had no thyroid hormones, I was cold all the time. I was thin. I wasn't grounded, even if I was sleeping on the sheet, because my body just didn't have enough blood flow, literally on the surface of my skin, right? So until I healed up my thyroid, then that's fine.

So I get it from when people are really sick - you get it. To heal the nervous system, number one, getting grounded is super important because you, it just, you need that warmth, that electron. So that actually helps. It really will help.

Clint Paddison: Yeah. Good, good. I also have the pillow sheet and as I mentioned at the top of the conversation here, a bunch of other little bits and bob.

But ultimately after investing into this quite a lot, I end up just depending, most upon, just getting amongst it.

Step Sinatra: I do the same. I completely hear you. I want to say one thing because I'm looking at it right now. It's my laptop. This, I have grounded out at the moment. So there is a grounding mat under my laptop, and basically it's actually going out to a cord right out this window.

And I feel - like that's better - because I know there’s magnetic field coming off the laptop -even when you touch it, especially if it's plugged in. Yeah, you're getting - I've tested all this with meters and that's when you're getting - I can actually feel it, you're getting that, let's say, AC current.

Not really great.

Clint Paddison: Wow, because I'm sure our audience, other people listening who even don't have RA, and my wife even, who's as healthy as they come she'll use the computer for a while, and we tested this ourselves, not the way that you do, but just a feeling, because I'd read from the Earthing community -could have been even your dad's work, I don't know- over the years, that if the computer is plugged in, that the earthing connection is therefore established, and therefore It shouldn't be as free radical-creating. But talk to us. Tell us what we should be doing with this.

Step Sinatra: Yeah, when I use my laptop, I usually, unless the battery is completely shot, I like to keep it off so it's not connected to the power source. And the reason is because, okay, maybe a lot of those Apple plugs actually are not grounded. Do you know what I mean?

Clint Paddison: Yeah. That's what I got right here.

Step Sinatra: Yeah. They -a lot of them- don't have the three prongs. You need that three-prong piece. That's actually going into the ground circuit. You're right. Otherwise, yeah, it doesn't…I never thought about it. Massive magnetic field because there's no discharge of that energy and you can actually feel it coming at you.

That's not healthy. So we, that energy, has to be grounded somehow. And think about it - you spend some time on the computer. A lot of people that we're talking to right now, they're even using their hands, they're that close to them. That could be actually causing part of the RA problem, or worsening it, and you have computer fatigue.

You ever get computer fatigue? You know what I'm talking about?

Clint Paddison: Most definitely.

Step Sinatra: Yeah, we all do. Maybe it's just because the magnetic field is coming off the computer and because it's not grounded correctly. So basically, that's why I ground my laptop and I only use it off. Now that gets into AC current and DC current.

Now you're in New Zealand.

Clint Paddison: Australia at the moment.

Step Sinatra: Australia. Yeah. Okay - sorry, Australia. And it's, what's Australia? Is that's AC, I think, right?

Clint Paddison: Yeah. Yeah.

Step Sinatra: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's been a little while since I was there, but no AC, alternating current. It's part of the reason I actually moved to Europe too.

I really believe in DC current, which, yeah which resonates at 50 Hertz known to build bone. 60 Hertz isn't really a great frequency and that's AC current and also you're getting this, like on off on off at a really deep level. The nervous system has a problem calibrating that. We don't really think about it too much, but it does and that's why like it's better to use anything just when it's on its battery. Because then if it's battery, that's DC, without getting too crazy on this. Yeah.

Clint Paddison: No. Now let's talk phones. Huh. How -what are we dealing with there?

Step Sinatra: A whole lot. Look, I'm guilty of it too. And I believe part of this precipitated part of my health issue. I was, I went to Wall Street in 1998. It gives away my age. Right out of college.

I had a cell phone in 1997, almost 96. That's incredibly early. And I was just one of these guys. I loved the technology. I wanted to get involved. I had a cell phone to my ear in 1996, bad news. And I knew it then. And I just knew it then. So it's been, what - 27 years? I had been using a cell phone three, four years into that, in 2001.

I could feel it was bad from just one long call. I had on my right ear for an hour and a half, or two hours, one day. I have never used a phone to my ear literally in 23 years - never. Do I ever put a phone in my ear? I don't care what situation I'm in, what's going on. I will never do it. I use the speakerphone always, and I try to either hold the phone away from me or put it down somewhere because the distance you are from the phone is a no-brainer. We've tested all this. You use it, the strength of the power you want to be away from. And then there's so many other multiple things to consider. If there's a cell phone tower over there, all right, the power to the phone is going to be actually not so bad. You could actually hold it, and you're not getting so much radiation, like you would if the cell phone tower is four kilometers away, out of line of sight.

That cell phone has to use, 20 times more power to connect to that tower. So you're also getting that - dissipating the energy from that. Okay, what do I do? I live on airplane mode. I've been saying this for 15 years, ever since I had my whole hospital situation. I knew that electromagnetics were part of what I went through.

I could feel it. And ever since then, I just…do what I need to do on the phone. I make my texts, and then I send, I turn it off airplane mode. They all send and I turn it right back on airplane mode. That's how I live. And I actually take my iPhone and I use an ethernet cord, like something like this.

Yeah. And I hook it up. I hardwire it to the ethernet. So if I have the option, if that makes sense.

Clint Paddison: Oh, of course. So you take out the wireless component and you're getting it via the cabled version of the internet.

Step Sinatra: Yeah. So I can be on the internet on my cell phone with absolutely pretty much next to nil radiation compared to what it is before, if you're using wifi or cellular.

So it's operable on airplane mode, which is such a great hack. And honestly, still a lot of people don't employ that, which I think is one of the best things you can do.

Clint Paddison: So for people that may be not so tech savvy, and so that I also am sure what I'm doing, you go to your modem in the house and it normally has a bunch of outlets at the back, just one.

And most people don't use them anymore. Cause it's just a hundred percent wifi in them. But in the house for most people, what you're saying is, get one of the cables that we all used to love about eight to 10 years ago, stick it into the back of that modem. Even if it's a long cable trailing through your house somewhere, and then you can connect that straight into your phone, and you don't need to use the Wi Fi, you just put this thing on airplane mode, and you're away.

Step Sinatra: Yeah, absolutely. And then, think about it again. You're holding the phone, where is the RA coming to your body? Your hands, mostly. Talk about this with my mother all the time, who suffers from RA. I'm like, Mom, stop holding the phone and doing video calls. You're just getting completely saturated.

So, yeah, if you can hardwire, that's the best. Yeah, you feel like it's 1980s, but you know what? You're going to feel better, is my opinion.

Clint Paddison: Yeah, that's good. And I can attest to this. I haven't asked many people this, strangely enough, but I can attest to holding the phone for long periods. And I define long as anything more than that - 10 minutes. When I put it down, it takes me maybe two grasps of my hand to create a wicked fist. The first one, it's only 90 percent and the second one, oh now it's working perfectly. And now that is a bad sign. You know what I mean? It doesn't take, much to work out that's not, now throughout the rest of the day. If I don't touch my phone, hands perfect. Like it's fine - perfect.

Step Sinatra: I know exactly what you mean. Yep. Yep.

Clint Paddison: Yeah.

Step Sinatra: Yeah, and a lot of people might not feel it really. They just might not feel it. But I feel like I'm the canary in the coal mine, and I feel it. Maybe you feel it, something's happening. We don't know exactly what it is, but there's something happening.

Clint Paddison: Yeah, good. Now we're going to talk about what people can do… three to five things that you would recommend for great health for people to do each day. And then I'm going to take it to your extreme. What's the, where's, what's the end game here?

What does your life look like? You mentioned swimming in the ocean. Wonderful. What else? I want to hear the spectrum starting with your average Joe. What should the average Joe do?

Step Sinatra: Average Joe? Simple - just get outside. Really. And as soon as you wake up, I think that one of the best things to do is get grounded.

You walk outside, somehow get your feet in the grass within the first 15 minutes. You wake up and get sunlight in your eyes. These two things will rocket your health or just make you feel good and increase your mood because, you want some photo-biomodulation and you want to reset your whole endocrine system, your whole hormonal structure to say, okay, it's now morning - you're going to help your melatonin production out by getting some direct sunlight.

Don't look directly at the sun, but you let it come into your eyes the first - just for a few- minutes in the morning while you're grounded. I think it's the one of the best things you can do. And it's what? Five minutes? It's gonna make a good impact. And I struggle with it too, like I sometimes I just wanna wake up, I wanna make coffee first, and I'm like, no, hold on, let me just go and then breathe.

And if you add some breathing into that then you've got the trifecta. There you go. And you're good. And you'll actually shift emotionally. And you'll say, ah, okay, I feel really great. And once you say that to yourself, I feel really great. Now you're programming your mind.

This is also another whole other thing. This is also free. All these free things are really the absolute best things you can do. We just don't do them. I get it. I've been there too. And a lot of it is just programming and conditioning and modern lifestyle. So that's why I'll spin it back. I live in Greece because when I wake up -I love it- I get out, I open the door. I'm immediately on stone steps and I'm 45 meters to the sea before I can even think I just automate this. I walk outside, my feet are barefoot and I'm walking down to the sea and I'm getting my feet in the sand with the water coming on it and I just start breathing.

I look at the sunlight and I might do this for five minutes, 10, 20, a half hour. And then I go back, and I make my coffee, and my day is fantastic.

Clint Paddison: Yeah. That's just idealistic, isn't it? That's just…

Step Sinatra: yeah, but it is. And I want to preface it - like it took me 22 years to get here. Okay. I've been thinking, so it wasn't like I just, okay, moved to Greece, blah, blah, blah. I focused on it. I had to make the money. I had to do this. I had to get everything aligned to make this happen. But I really envisioned that for myself, as that was the lifestyle I wanted to live because I knew it was good for me on multiple levels.

And I was willing to do whatever it took to make that happen. And I did.

Clint Paddison: Yeah. Cause there are sacrifices, no doubt, out there. You are, you're on a different time zone. If you're running a business… we're very familiar with this because we're in Australia. You've probably got friends and family that are based in the U.S. and you've probably, you might on a small scale have to, on your island, have things shipped with regards to modern living with Amazon. There's a lot of…

Step Sinatra: You nailed everything right there, absolutely. You're pretty perceptive.

Clint Paddison: Yeah, but the benefits…If you've got your hierarchy of needs, and health is at the top, the benefits are insane.

Step Sinatra: Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. But,

Clint Paddison: Can you tell us how you recovered? Let's close out with this. Your story - you told us about that nightmarish 1 percent chance of survival that you were given…And then now we see you looking like just the epitome of health, living on an island in Greece, stepping into the water each morning and you're running this amazing company that's helping people use free information. And you're driving this message through the medical community so that it really filters down, which is the hard part, getting the medical community to pay attention.

That's another challenge that I am aware of. Like, how did you go from that to this in the, in a sort of a, maybe milestone by a milestone breakdown?

Step Sinatra: Yeah it didn't happen overnight. Really, it didn't happen overnight. And my recovery out of the hospital took two years.

Yeah, two years. And doctors told me in the hospital oh, you'll never be able to go to the bathroom on your own. That's how bad it was. I'm telling you, like it was…you'll hardly be able to walk. You'll never exercise again. And I'm like, no! And so that's number one. The pillar number one is probably… it's your mind.

This is the best piece of software in the entire world, the entire universe. And you have, we have it, we have access to it. And once again, it's free - getting back to everything that is free. And if we can program the mind correctly, you're a hundred percent going to do what you want to do. I always say this - if you don't program your mind, it's going to be programmed for you.

And you have to tell yourself that you're going to get better. You have to wake up as soon as their first thought in the morning is, I feel great, say that to yourself. I feel amazing today because the default on the mind wants to go to what's wrong. They want to feel the pain. We want to search for something.

Hey, how is everything? Okay. You'd have to tell the mind that everything is okay. So I would say it was mind. It was more nature. It was letting go of anything toxic in my life, which happened to be a lot of work relationships, belief systems, foods where I was living, electromagnetics…Taking all those like toxicities out and reprogramming once again -mostly the free stuff- good air, good water, good sunlight, the simple stuff and exercise.

Like you talk about it. This is really great. The reason I left the States is, I believe they failed on a lot of that. Was the water source good? No, it was not. Was there more pollution in the States? In my opinion, there was, and I was living in southern California. I didn't like waking up and smelling pollution blowing down from LA when I'm living near San Diego or, between there, I couldn't stand that.

And I know it's not good for me. It's like smoking two packs of cigarettes a day. So that's why it took much time to make that move and say, okay, I just want clean air because I know from clean air, I'm getting negative ions. And I want that. So all of those things just finally culminated.

And I did move to Europe. I went to Germany first. I came down to Greece. I fell in love with it. Because it had cleaner inputs and it's a little bit tricky to, in this modern world, to find that. I do think Margaret River has that. I love that place. Absolutely.

Clint Paddison: Yeah. It's near Perth.

For people wondering… it's not on the Sydney side of Australia. It's on the opposite side. So it's like the California side of Australia. And you know what? My parents went there about six months ago. Absolutely loved it. I've never been. My friend, who's an entertainer, a good friend of mine, best man at my wedding, he's just driving there right now doing stand up comedy over there.

Yeah. Nice. So I spoke to him just a couple hours ago before our call. So that's interesting. So you think the Margaret River is also another special place for this?

Step Sinatra: I do. I do. You've got all of that. You've got a lot of great nature, the beaches, the good air… I think Australia, just in general, has prolific nature that you have access to.

It's not like that so much in the States or even Europe. You got to really find it. You got to go really out of your way to get that.

Clint Paddison: Yeah.

Step Sinatra: Love it.

Clint Paddison: Yeah, thank you. Here's a subtle one. It's tricky, isn't it? When we're consumed by stimulus, like you were in your phenomenal corporate career, living in New York…like you said, cell phones, apartment living, rush.

It's very hard when the conscious brain is making decisions to get out of that conscious brain loop with a higher-quality sequence of actions that don't really stimulate this sort of conscious-mind dopamine satisfaction. But with things that are calmer, and things that are more nurturing, it is a weird tension in the body to go from this to this.

There's a lot of desire to keep this going. How did you disconnect that? And then I'll let you go.

Step Sinatra: That's an ongoing thing and that's part of being human, living in how we live. Yeah, but I did realize that - number one - stress actually is addictive. And as a culture, yeah. We are like almost addicted to it, especially American culture.

I believe we're addicted to stress. That's another reason I came to Europe. But then, the unfortunate thing is, I really had lost my nervous system and from adrenal fatigue. And I know what it's like to have a nervous system that, when a phone rings or somebody drops a plate, literally, you feel like you're done for the day.

You can't even function because the nervous system can't get back to homeostasis. So I prize my nervous system and I don't put myself under any more stressful situations or the rushing like you mentioned, too many appointments. Even just people with chronic illness… you're really sick.

You're going from doctor to doctor appointment, you're scheduling… calling. That alone is so stressful, and the pressure in your nervous system is off the charts. You just take that out and say, I'm going to just, that's what I did. I'm going to just sit in nature and have no appointments and no stressors like that.

And you know what? I got better, and that was free. And yeah, it takes more time. You have to be a little bit more patient. And we don't really want to be patient, but I think that's the message. And that's just the beauty also of being human.

Clint Paddison: I love it. Fantastic. Okay. Step. Where can people learn more about what you do?

And also about some of the other… earthing and grounding aspects, because you're much more diverse in your offerings. I don't know whether or not you want to direct people to maybe a website or some other interviews you've done. What would you like to share?

Step Sinatra: Yeah, sure. Thanks for that. And and I just want to acknowledge, thank you very much for, wanting to do this show. Because, with what we talk about, or I with my family, is what's free. So we're not like able to give other people products and commissions and stuff. We sell, how we say it, we sell broccoli, you don't see commercials for broccoli and it's healthy for you.

And it's pretty much free compared to everything else. So that's why I appreciate that you're on the show to share the message. And if people want, they can go to my website, which is, S T E P, that's - my nickname is S T E P -, or Grounded that's the best, I would say go to We've been running that since 2009 - there's tons of information on there. And that's probably the best place to start. Social media has never been my thing. Why? Cause I just don't want to be on the phone anymore than I'm on the phone. Simple as that. So I would say the websites are the best, or the book, Get Grounded, Get Well.

Clint Paddison: Yeah. Get Grounded, Get Well, I've got it open on another tab on Amazon. You can get that low cost, learn a whole bunch more. Are people able to - on your website - also get some of the sorts of items that we've discussed, especially the laptop grounding mat?

Step Sinatra: Yeah. Yeah. Everything's there, but it'll probably send you to, for if you're in Australia, another company, maybe in Australia, something like that. We're working on setting that up now. But they're able to see all the products, and then maybe you'll find something locally through wherever you can get them where you are. Yeah,

Clint Paddison: Awesome. Step, thank you so much. I hope everyone has enjoyed this interview.

As I said, this has been part of my recovery from dramatic, horrible rheumatoid arthritis to now having my C-reactive protein down to 0.6 mg per litre, 1 per hour CED rate, so phenomenal numbers. Feels strong. Amazing. Part of it, a major part of it, that I would totally miss if I wasn't able to do it.

It's connecting with nature. I would encourage everyone, if they're not doing it, to do it. If the weather's bad, look to Step's website. Get some of these bits and bobs into your house. And let's do it in a modified way to get the benefits of the infinite, electron supply from the Earth and all the benefits that can provide.

Step, I should say, thank you so much. It's been awesome.

Step Sinatra: It's been a pleasure. Thanks, Clint. That was great.