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Solfeggio frequencies. If you aren’t musically inclined or into quantum physics, you may not be familiar with the definition of either of these words, but that doesn’t mean the power of these unseen energy waves isn’t impacting you at all times...even right now! Why? Because EVERYTHING has a frequency - even the Earth itself.
Before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s explore the definition of each word as it applies here:
Definition of solfège
1 : the application of the sol-fa syllables to a musical scale or to a melody
Definition of frequency
b : the number of complete oscillations (see oscillation sense 3) per second of energy (such as sound or electromagnetic radiation) in the form of waves.
Nicola Tesla put it together beautifully in the following Instagram worthy quote:
“If you wish to understand the Universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration.”
One of Tesla’s most famous inventions, the Tesla Coil.
Let’s break it down: everything is made up of energy.
Energy vibrates or oscillates at different speeds. The speed is the frequency or wavelength. Wavelengths determine colour and sounds. The higher the frequency, the higher the pitch.
Now, we all want to know the most simple question - “how does this affect me?” Well, think about it this way - look at the root of the word DISEASE. “Dis-Ease” simply means to be out of attunement, much like any instrument. Our bodies are tuning forks, and we each have our own unique electromagnetic signature.
This is why more esoteric practices such as “energy medicine” in Western culture are rapidly increasing in popularity, as these modalities are rooted in the basis that our bodies are composed of energy first, and on this principle, “dis-ease” may be brought back into balance on an energetic level.
The tuning fork is a tool often used in sound therapy sessions.
The practices of sound healing or sound bathing brings the idea of healing with frequency to an even more literal level. As the names suggest, these alternative therapies utilize musical instruments to raise the body’s vibration with the intention of repair and regeneration. Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks, crystal bowls, drumming and vocal “toning” are just some examples of sound being used to heal emotional and physical illness.
Using sound has been proven over and over again to be a powerful way to restore harmony within our bodies. This example of tuning forks represents the different tones and pitch of the frequencies that are also in relation to colour wavelengths and how they directly correspond with the body.
Each color in the light spectrum has a specific corresponding frequency.
Intrigued enough to try some of these sound therapies yourself yet?
While sound alone can be powerful, it’s made even more transformative in the form of music. It has been clinically proven that music can bring you back to a place and time in memory, and recreate the exact emotions, sounds, and smells of that moment as if it was happening again in real-time.
One of the most notable explorations of music’s relation to memory is non profit’s Music & Memory’s “The iPod Project,” which explores the effects of music therapy on those suffering from Alzheimer’s related dementia.
Our Earth’s frequency is 7.83 HZ!
Did you know the Earth also has its own frequency? Otherwise known as the Schuman resonance, the Earth’s fundamental vibration is 7.83hz (which is not audible to humans). It is the frequency within the Earth’s electromagnetic field, otherwise known as the Earth’s heartbeat. This global electromagnetic resonance phenomenon is named after physicist Winfried Otto Schumann who predicted it mathematically in 1952.
Believe it or not, our practice of Grounding is inextricably linked to resonance and frequency - when we Ground, we are literally connecting directly to Mother Nature’s heartbeat. Metaphorically speaking, to “be grounded” is to be well balanced and sensible. While some may have a greater conscious sensitivity to energy than others, we are all affected by the energy and frequencies we expose ourselves to.
Could this be why we feel so good in nature and “forest bathing” is all the rage?
What if nature itself isn’t just a resource we are seeking to assist with healing our bodies, but THE source of wellness and nourishment itself, even on the subtlest levels? Food for thought during your next Grounding session!
Article by Allison Voth.
Edited by the Grounded Team.