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“Nature’s Simple Cures” by Dr. Stephen Sinatra

About 13 years ago, our dad, Cardiologist Dr. Stephen Sinatra, made this 9-minute video highlighting some of nature’s remedies for modern day health challenges. He preferred to make videos like this “off the cuff,” without any script, and most often only did one take.

Admittedly, it took us a while to realize how good this particular video is. And like fine wine, messages that have aged well are better when shared…We hope you enjoy it!


In my 35 plus years of being a physician, I've really learned about these “nature's simple cures” - the things that really heal and cure you. When possible, we all should be on an organic diet, with no insecticides or pesticides and no hormones in our diets. But more than that, we need healthy water and healthy air.

Air…that air has to be good air. That's why I'm a big proponent of air filters with UV light and HEPA air filtration. And I believe that air is one of the most vital things that we bring into our body, because when we bring in faulty air or contaminated air then it sets the stage for illness in the body.

Water…We need water that's alive. We need water with minerals in it and water that has energy to it. And really a pH in water that's over 7. 5. So a lot of us drink water out of these plastic bottles. I prefer glass,
because a lot of the phthalates are transferred [from the plastic] into the water.

So water that has a pH greater than 7. 5 that has a lot of minerals in it [is good]. You can infuse the minerals in the water…like in my home, I have reverse osmosis [filtration system] and I take minerals at the same time. I'll put plant-based minerals into that reverse osmosis water which takes out all the insecticides, all the pesticides, and all the chlorine.

So healthy water, healthy air, and healthy food are a great place to start.  Another nature's cure is sunlight…natural sunlight. A lot of us are phobic about skin cancer and [always] put on sunblocks and sunscreens. Guess what? When you do that, you block the absorption of vitamin D.

When you wear a hat, sunglasses, and you go out all covered up, you can't absorb vitamin D. Remember, vitamin D comes from sunlight. It activates cholesterol in the skin and you form what we call vitamin D3. [Vitamin D3] is absolutely essential for the immune system. It helps with metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, heart failure, and cancer.

Doctors right now are real privy about higher blood levels of vitamin D. We used to think blood levels of 30 to 35 were great. Now we're thinking 75 and above, and I spoke to one naturopath only a couple of weeks ago, and with her cancer patients, she's getting their vitamin D levels greater than 120.

So natural sunlight is a natural cure. You must get out in the sun. Don't worry about 15 or 20 minutes a day. You're not going to get skin cancer from that! And remember, after 15 or 20 minutes, your CoQ10 is going to be used up in the skin anyway. If you go out for two or three hours, then you want to protect yourself! You don't want to get a sunburn in the middle of the day,, but 15 to 20 minutes of sunlight is good medicine.

If you can't get out into the sunlight, you can also take vitamin D3.  You can do that or eat foods with vitamin D in them like salmon or vitamin D-fortified, organic milk. You must [consume] vitamin D if you can't get it from the sun. Take vitamin D as a supplement. Right now, I'm recommending at least two to five thousand units per day for healthy people. And if you're sick, I'm recommending up to ten thousand units a day. If you can't get out in the sunlight, take vitamin D as a supplement or at least eat foods that have natural vitamin D in them.

Now grounding is really important because grounding is a way that we can discharge this toxic EMF or these toxic microwave technologies that are part of our daily life.

A nature's cure is literally going barefoot in the park. I walk my dogs, for example, barefoot. And when you walk barefoot on the earth, whether you're walking on grass or sand or concrete, any of those substances, not asphalt, not manmade, but any of those substances, like even natural concrete and natural rocks are okay.

When you ground yourself, you're taking in the natural electrical energy of the earth. You're also soaking up millions of free electrons. It's like taking a handful of antioxidants!

When you ground to the earth, you have the electrical energy of the earth… the [free] electrons. You are neutralizing free radicals in your body. You are turning your nervous system back to its primitive state of more what we call vagal tone, or parasympathetic dominance. Today we're all vigilant because of all the events happening in the world.

We have sympathetic, heightened arousal, and we balance the nervous system with grounding. We're also improving heart rate variability. We're improving cortisol relationships, sleep patterns, and inflammation. So
grounding just makes sense.

And the honeybees…[they are] absolutely essential. If you look at honeybees, or bees in general, they go from flower to flower, and they're sucking up that nectar. But what are they taking in? They're taking in sunlight. They're taking in the energy from the flower. And that energy of the flower literally goes through the bee's body and the bee makes bee pollen or in some cases be propolis and bee propolis is a substance that the bees make a beehive out of.

In other words, there's slats to a beehive…There's wood, and between the wood is this propolis. That is this substance that passes through the bee's bodies. Now the Greek term for that propolis means city. So, the bees build their own city...through bee propolis. It's this natural substance that goes
through their body.

And what does it do? It supports the immune system. It lowers blood pressure. It has a big impact on cancer. In fact, there's one Japanese researcher that's been studying this for two decades. And
according to his research, he uses bee propolis in every one of his patients with cancer. So, I'm a big proponent of the honeybee.

Unfortunately, because of all the microwave technologies, the honeybees cannot find their homes. The microwave technologies are interfering with their navigation systems. And there's a big problem on the earth right now.

There are millions of colonies of honeybees that are leaving and they're dying. Einstein, maybe 60 or 70 years ago, said that the honeybee is essential for civilization. We have to protect the honeybee from wireless technologies.

Now overstretching the honeybee is… really looking at the Bach flower remedies. Dr. Bach, decades ago in the 1920s  and thirties, he would take the petals from flowers and crush them up and then add a solution to it and place these in a vial.

So basically, you took the energy of the sunlight, which is contained in the energy of the flower petals, and pulverized the flower petals, and made a solution. Then you would take an eyedropper and put the solution under your tongue. As the sunlight takes in the energy of the sun, different colors of these flowers would create different wavelengths and different energies.

For example, if I took white chestnut, this would help with fear and anxiety. When my son was very sick and he was in and out of the hospital, I was terrified and I was literally taking white chestnut and Rescue Remedy. I was literally taking Rescue Remedy every hour because I was really afraid that I'd have a heart attack myself because my nervous system was on such overload.

And I was just terrified that any minute he could leave. So, the remedies in these flowers…these different flower remedies - there're actually 70 or 80 of them…rose petals and chestnut and different varieties of
flowers- they’re different energies can help the body with different medicinal problems and symptoms.

For example, years ago, instead of running to pharmaceutical agents, when I had patients with panic attacks or patients with anxiety, I treated them with the Bach flower remedies. And my patients would come back to me and say, “I can't believe it worked! I would take this little vial under my tongue and my panic would go away, or my anxiety would go away; my fear would go away.”

So, I'm a big believer in the Bach flower remedies.

Now another nature's cure that comes from the sun and literally comes from the water is seaweed.

Seaweeds are marvelous. Remember, seaweeds contain alginates and in this radiation age, alginates will take radiation out of our body. The only way you can take radiation out of the body is by eating alginates and alginates are found in seaweeds. We're all full of radiation, whether it's from computers or wireless or TVs, or microwave ovens.

And remember - the x-rays you got as a young child from your dentist or the chest x-rays you got, or the radiation you got from a microwave; it stays in your body forever. It's cumulative; it just builds up. And one
of the ways of getting rid of it is by taking alginate from seaweed.

Now, my favorite seaweed is red kelp seaweed. It grows off the coast of Korea and Japan. It grows about 200 feet below the center of the ocean, and it's like “Jack in the Beanstalk.” It sways in the ocean back and forth so it takes in the energy of the ocean water, which incidentally is another nature's cure because of all the minerals.

Remember seaweed contains all 56 minerals, It's just like your bloodstream and it has marvelous medicinal properties. It has iodine, which is good for the thyroid gland.

It has chemical properties in it that are potent, what we call NF kappa beta inhibitors. They have anti diabetic properties. They help to treat blood pressure. It's one of the best things you can put into your body, and I take it every day.”

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