Why Your Anxiety Isn't Getting Better: You're Missing Something Critical — Grounded.com

Why Your Anxiety Isn't Getting Better: You're Missing Something Critical

Grounding: The Nature Renaissance Your Nervous System Desperately Needs

Feeling as though you are in a fog? Finding it hard to make decisions? Sleeping erratically? Stressed about your life? Maybe you feel like you are constantly ‘off’, as if some unidentified force is zapping your strength.

You are not alone. I’ve been there too…and more than once. Welcome to what may be considered as “the 21st century disease yet to be recognized by modern medicine.”

Now, don’t panic…I have a theory about this state of unwellness, as well as a solution. And the best part is that the solution is not complicated, it’s not costly and it involves almost no effort!

The Shocking Truth About Your Body: You Are an Electrical Being

No pun intended with “shocking” truth…but it can be startling to think about your body as more than just flesh and bones, especially since electricity is usually associated with machines and appliances. Now, I’m not talking about becoming transhuman here…I’m referring to the fact that your body has always kept you alive and functioning properly via an intricate network of electrons, currents and electromagnetic fields.  

Ever gone to the doctor and had an EKG or EEG to diagnose irregular heart or brain activity? An EKG measures the electrical activity of the heart, and an EEG tracks the electrical activity of the brain.

Doctors have known about the body’s electrical nature for decades. This is why our dad, Dr. Stephen Sinatra, who was a cardiologist and integrative medicine expert, immediately “got” the potential for grounding’s health benefits.

But most people aren’t trained in electrophysiology or bioelectromagnetics. Many doctors also can’t see beyond the biochemical nature of our bodies when treating patients, and rely solely on drugs and surgeries to problem-solve. But drugs and surgeries have their limitations, and often do more harm than good because they treat symptoms but not the underlying problem.

You see, everything in our world—your brain, your nervous system, the Earth beneath your feet—operates on energy, electrical currents, and frequencies. The issue is that, in our tech-dependent, hyper-connected world, this natural balance is being disrupted and “modern” medicine is often blind to it.

Think about it: You live in an environment constantly flooded with man-made frequencies. From your phone’s 5G signal to the Wi-Fi router in your home, to the invisible electromagnetic fields emitted by satellites in space—these signals are bombarding you 24/7. Toss in the Bluetooth from your devices, cars, home appliances, lighting, and wow…it’s a heavy load. And yet your body, like a well-oiled machine that’s been running on fossil fuel for centuries, is trying to adapt to this entirely new kind of “EMF soup” that wasn’t even a blip on the radar just a few decades ago. Way back then, your body was just reacting to natural frequencies from the environment, and now it’s a whole, new field.

What happens when the body constantly tries to adapt to a surge of unnatural electronic stimuli? Well, the short answers are: Anxiety. Fatigue. Stress. And, like me, you may have a feeling of being constantly “off.”

I liken it to my body trying to download the latest software update, but the Wi-Fi keeps dropping out.

Grounding: Reconnecting to Earth's Natural Frequency

Now, let’s get back to nature for a moment…not in the “go on a hike and breathe deeply” kind of way, but in a much more grounded, scientific sense.

I’m referring to how your nervous system interacts with nature - which is why I recommend actually “scheduling” daily nature time as if it’s a doctor’s appointment!

You see, your nervous system constantly communicates with your environment, and it’s a two-way street. Your nervous system sends signals to your brain and your brain sends signals to the rest of the body, constantly providing information so the brain and nervous system can regulate you. It’s a fascinating “hardware” and “software” loop! Modern science, I believe, doesn’t understand 75 percent of it. If your brain and nervous system are out of balance—thanks to, say, excessive exposure to man-made frequencies—you might feel like your whole system is malfunctioning. That’s when stress, anxiety, and a general sense of uneasiness can take over.

But here’s some hope: by simply practicing grounding (or “earthing”), you can help restore balance to your nervous system. Grounding means connecting with the Earth’s natural electromagnetic energy —whether that’s walking barefoot on grass, soil, or even sand, or using grounding mats that simulate that direct Earth contact. When you make that connection, you attune your body to the ultimate electrical source: the Earth itself.

Our dad used to say that “vital connections” between people, and even with pets, are essential for preventing stress-related health issues. But our connection to the Earth is also a vital connection! We need that Earth’s energy, not just to “get a nature fix,” but for our long-term health!

Why Grounding Works: The Science Behind It

Grounding is more than just a feel-good trend. It's a science-backed practice that helps recalibrate your nervous system and re-establish a natural flow of energy.

Our dad, Dr. Sinatra, spent years studying the benefits of grounding. His extensive research, particularly around the idea of "bioelectromagnetics," reveals that absorbing the Earth's electrons through the skin can result in powerful health benefits: reduced inflammation, improved mood and sleep, cardiovascular benefits, and lowered stress and anxiety.

Perhaps the most important investigation Dr. Sinatra did was a 2013 study on grounding and blood viscosity through which he learned that two hours of grounding could lead to significant reductions in blood viscosity (blood thickness). Since thick, sludgy blood is a major risk factor for heart disease, discovering a non-invasive therapy that could thin the blood was a major, medical “ah-ha!”

Walking the shoreline is a wonderful way to ground - salt water facilitates conductivity!

It’s worth mentioning here that Dr. Sinatra and the other researchers measured “electrophoretic mobility” (zeta potential) of red blood cells to determine blood viscosity before and after grounding. Yup - our red blood cells (RBCs) are also electric! They have a surface charge, which, when plentiful, causes them to repel each other and results in thinner (healthier) blood. Through this groundbreaking research, Dr. Sinatra and his team found that absorbing the Earth’s natural electromagnetic energy (via a grounding device) could raise the RBC’s surface charge, and thus impact the cardiovascular system in a beneficial way.

Considering such health benefits, the Earth’s natural electromagnetic field appears to provide the perfect counterbalance to the chaotic, man-made frequencies we’re constantly exposed to. As someone who is “electro-hypersensitive,” I can tell you that this soup of man-made EMF is NOT good for us, and can be totally debilitating for some people (me included). Grounding, or connecting with, Earth - our ultimate natural “battery,” is an easy solution. When you ground, you’re essentially “resetting” your body’s electrical system, restoring harmony to your nervous system, and – to get back to the subject at hand - potentially alleviating anxiety symptoms.

What Happens When You Ground Yourself?

When you walk barefoot on natural Earth surfaces like sand or grass, your feet absorb the Earth’s electrons. These electrons act as antioxidants in your body by neutralizing free radicals (unstable molecules) that cause inflammation and stress. For reasons we don’t fully understand, this connection with the Earth may help regulate your circadian rhythm, improve sleep, and boost overall mood.

Grounding is also thought to balance your nervous system activity by inducing a “relaxation response” from the parasympathic branch to counteract all the stress activity of the sympathetic nervous system branch.  Anxiety and stress may start in the mind, but they have physiological effects; grounding helps create a physiological response to counteract such effects.

The science of grounding explains why you might feel more relaxed and centered after a simple barefoot walk outside. Studies have shown that grounding can normalize cortisol levels (the stress hormone), lower heart rate, and improve blood pressure. It’s as if your body is finally saying, “Ah…THIS is what I’ve been missing.”

The best part? You don’t need a posh wellness retreat or expensive equipment to reap the benefits. All you need is a patch of grass, dirt, or sand—and, of course, your bare feet.

The Takeaway: Why You Can’t Afford to Ignore Grounding Any Longer

As technology continues to immerse us in new, man-made EMFs, it’s crucial that we find ways to balance our biology with the new frequencies we’re surrounded by. If you’re feeling anxious, stressed, or “off,” your body might be crying out for a reconnection to the natural rhythms of the Earth. Grounding is a simple, practically cost-free solution that you can do every day.

The next time you're feeling overwhelmed or your anxiety is spiking, consider stepping outside, taking off your shoes, and re-establishing that critical connection with nature. Your nervous system will thank you—and it might just be the reset you need to get back to feeling your best.

Of course, there are other things you can do for anxiety. Along with grounding, my sister mentions two other, simple and free anxiety remedies in this video (as she says, “just keep an open mind” about them)…maybe it will help you or someone you love.

Remember, your body is electrical, and in a world full of chaotic energies which can drain your vitality, grounding is the key to recharging your batteries in the most natural, effective way possible. It’s time to go with the flow…the flow of the Earth’s current, that is!

Final Thoughts: A Little Humor, a Lot of Science

In the end, you don’t need a Ph.D. to understand this: Nature’s been here a lot longer than Wi-Fi routers, 5G towers and social media, and it’s a good idea to tune into that ancient frequency more often than not. Who knows? You might just find that your anxiety isn’t as bad as you thought when you’re properly “grounded.”

So next time you're feeling unnerved, try walking or standing outside barefoot (or in grounding shoes); you can also use a grounding device indoors. Grounding is a stress reliever that’s been waiting for you this whole time…Earth, indeed, is a patient mother.

"When in nature, it is as if we are connecting with the base code of reality. I suspect that since our entire world is built on frequency and electromagnetism, it is part of creation and therefore sustaining life - especially a healthy one. So knowing how our existence works, we can make the right health decisions from an electric perspective. Choose more electrons!”

~ Step Sinatra December 2024


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